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Raegan's pov.

"I'm just like him."

That was the last thing he said before he literally passed out in my arms. He wrecked of strong alcohol, his hair was messy, clothes dirty, but he was still as perfect as ever. I don't think I'm ever going to get the image of him looking at me with those broken eyes. And it always gets me wondering, how could someone I think is so perfect?

Be so broken?

I decided to push the thoughts away, and only focus on getting Justin to my apartment. I walked slowly, being careful not to wake the sleeping angel in my arms. I sighed as I carried him, he was getting light again. I tried to get the thought of him starving himself again out of my head.

My pace quickened as I saw my apartment in view. It was one of the new ones, I can't believe my parents bought me it though. I was finally a adult, and it scared me. Living alone, being independent, it was scary. But I was ready to do it. I think?

I got up to my apartment, swiping my key card, which was hard with Justin in my arms, but I managed. I took the elevator up, and got to my apartment, unlocking the door.

I walked in, kicked off my shoes, and walked to the couch, laying the sleeping angel in my arms on it. I took off his shoes, and glasses. I grabbed a blanket while I went and made my bed.

I tiptoed to my master bedroom, quickly making my bed, before going and grabbing Justin, before softly walking back to my room, and laying him there, and covering up.

I walked to the kitchen getting him some advil, and cold, cold water. I put it on the bed side table. And walked out to sleep on the couch.

I got comfortable, and covered up, before drifting off.

Justin's pov.

I woke up, with a pounding headache, and a unfamiliar room. Questions rushed the my head, making it pound more. I grabbed my head and looked around.

I noticed two pills and water on the side table, and shakily picked up both, putting the pills in my mouth, and downed the water. I set the empty cup down. And threw the blankets off me.

Which I quickly regretted, because it was freezing. I shivered at the coldness, and immediately grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around my shoulders, pulling it close to me.

I swung my feet off the bed, before gently putting my feet on the cold wooden floors. I slowly walked towards the door, hearing the banging and clinging of pans, and soft singing. I opened the door, before stepping out.

I glanced around the freezing rooms, spotting the bathroom, with a open door. I tip toed towards it, thankfully not making any noise. I shut the door, and dropped the blanket to the floor.

I peed, and washed my hands, splashing water on my face as well. Drying my face and hands, I heard the soft singing of someone again. I quickly grabbed the blanket wrapping it back around my body.

My feet padded against the floor, as I walked to what looked like the kitchen. I froze when I saw a body, over the stove, facing away from me, swaying lightly. He looked really cute, with some sweat pants hanging loosely around his waist, a baggy sweater hung from his shoulder as well.

And damn, he was a mixture between hot and cute, and I felt my heart pounding.

Wait, where am I?

"Who are you?" I asked, gripping the blanket closer to my cold form. He turned around, and it was Raegan.

"Raegan? Why'd you kidnap me?" I questioned him, tilting my head.

"Well, I didn't kidnap you, I uh, you were drunk, illegally might I say, and like I couldn't just leave you, so I took you with." He explained, scratching the back of his head. I nodded, and he looked behind him and continued cooking.

"Food's done, if you want some." He told me, setting down to plates, I quickly seated myself, and began eating.

"Oh my god Rae, this food, is delicious, ugh!" I moaned, throwing my head back.

"Thanks Jay." He appreciated me for a moment, before all went quiet again, and all was heard was forks on plates and chewing.

"So, uh, I have a question, and not to be rude or anything, but last night, you whispered something before you fell asleep. I just wanted to know what it meant." Raegan awkwardly asked me, pushing food around on his plate.

"Uh, what was it?" I laughed, still eating.

"You said, you were just like him. Who was him?" Rae questioned, and I sucked in a deep breath, not ready for this answer.

"My older brother, I told you about him before, he overdosed. And he did drugs a lot and drank, so I guess that's what I meant, sorry Rae." I told him, looking down at my food.

"It's fine Jay, I'm here okay? I always am, I love you." He told me.

"Rae, I love you too." I confessed, but I what I said meant a whole other meaning.

"Awh thanks." It's now or never.

"No Rae, I mean I love you, I love you, like I want to spend the rest of my life with, I want to hold you, I want you to hold me. I want to wake up in the morning and see you, I want to cuddle, and make love, I want you. Everything about you, I want it. I want you, you and your flaw, okay?" I told him, making eye contact with him the whole time.

"Justin, we can't." He sadly said.

"You know what, yes, yes we fucking can, I am sick of people telling me, how to live my life, who to be with, who's right, and who's wrong. I love you, and I love you a fucking lot, and I think that's the only thing that should ever matter. So what'd you say?" I asked him, hoping he'd say yes.

"Fuck them." He answered and basically jumped the counter and kissed me, and the way our lips moulded together, was perfect.

And I loved it, I love him. He is and will always be, the one who can fix me, after I've been, so, so broken.

He's changed me, for the better.

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