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Justin's pov.

"Justin, wake up you lazy bone!" Someone screamed at me, hitting me with a pillow repeatedly.

"I'm up, I'm up!" I said laughing, my hands trying to shield me from the pillow.

"Okay good! Now get up, we gotta sign you out of this dumb hospital!" They said dropping the pillow by my feet, I unshielded my face and saw that the person was Kale.

"Oh hi Kale, where's everyone else?" I asked whilst I looked around seeing no one else was in here but me and him.

"We'll your brother, Jack and Raegan, went to get breakfast, your dads talking to the doctor, and I'm watching you." He informed me.

"When will they be-." I was cut off by the door opening and in walking the boys with breakfast.

"Ooooo yum food!" Kale said and went to attack Jack, who had the bags of food. I looked at Raegan and he was on the phone talking with someone.

"No Sierra, we were never together. I told you, I still love Justin. Yeah, I'm, I'm sorry, okay, okay bye- yeah, we can still be friends, I gotta go, bye, love ya too." And he ended the call, who's Sierra? They weren't together? What?

"Hi Justin." Raegan said as he kissed my cheek and sat down next to me.

"Oh, uh, hi." I faked a smile, I was still confused and now I know, that I was never Raegan's first chance, always his second... But I had to act like I was okay.

"Want some breakfast? It's McDonald's, it was the closest thing to the hospital, we didn't want to go far, incase something happened. So here." Raegan told me and passed me a breakfast sandwich. I opened it and took a bite, it was a bacon one, because Raegan knows I love bacon. I looked at him and he had just taken a bite, he noticed I was staring, so he smile, and I giggled.

"Ugh, you're so perfect." He said, swallowing the food that was in his mouth.

"Like, how did I ever get someone so, perfect." I blushed as he said this.

"I'm not perfect, I'm the complete opposite." I mumbled hiding my face behind my hand.

"Yes you are, how many times do I have to tell you, you are perfect." He said and kissed my cheek.

"Probably a million, because I'm not." I told him sighing, taking another bite of my breakfast sandwich.

"Well then I'll tell you, and always remind you, because you are." Raegan told me and moved to kiss me on the lips.

"Hey love birds, keep it pg!" Kale yelled.

"It's just a kiss." Raegan said.

"Yeah, but my eyes are virgins, you wouldn't commit porn right here, in a hospital, where there's probably children next door." Kale exclaimed with a hand on his heart.

"Kale we all know, that your eyes are not virgins." I stated.

"Yeah jeez, but hey wanna make me not a virgin?" Jack said and swayed to Kale's side.

"Later, right now, we have to celebrate, I mean Raegan's 18 today!" Kale said excitingly, running up to Raegan and giving him a side hug, mumbling a 'happy birthday'.

"Wait is that today? I thought that was tomorrow?" Jack said confused.

"Nope, it's the 19th of November, the day this ball of sunshine was born!" Kale said gesturing to Raegan.

"Wait, did you all seriously forget? Horrible, horrible friends, Rae, remind me why you keep them around?" Kale said jokingly.

"Because I love them all, so much. And I'm just turning 18, it's nothing big." Raegan shrugged.

"Uh, yeah it is, this is the day, the week, the month, the year, my baby, becomes a adult, and I'm so proud, I could just cry!" Kale says and pretends to start crying, Jack walks to his side and 'comforts' him.

"Well if we wanted to, I guess we could hang out, go to the movies, maybe dinner, laser tag? I mean if it's that important to Kale." Raegan sighed, trying to look defeated.

"Yay!!!!" Kale exclaimed, running up to Raegan giving him a big hug. The door opened again and my dad walked in with the Doctor.

"Okay so, since your panic attack got that bad, we recommend going to the local pharmacy, and getting this prescription." The doctor told me, and handed a piece of paper to my dad.

"Okay you're all good to go, your dad already signed the release forms, it was lovely having you, but I've heard all the excitement from outside, you need to celebrate your boyfriends birthday. Have a good day, and happy birthday." The doctor said and walked out of the room. My boyfriend? Was Raegan my boyfriend?

They all started cheering, and I sat there trying my best to smile, but I was so dumb founded. I just kinda sat there, forcing everything.

"Here Jay." My dad said and handed me some clothes, sweat pants and a baggy tee shirt. I nodded and walked to the bathroom, across from the bed. I closed the door as I stepped in, and turned on the light. I stripped of my hospital gown, and began to put on the sweat pants me dad brought. Then the shirt, and I looked at myself in the mirror.






Were practically written on my face. I turned the faucet and the water came pouring out. I cupped my hands and splashed my face, but when I looked up, water dripping from my face, the words were still there. And the longer I starred, the more and more words kept appearing.





And then suddenly there was a loud banging on the door.

"Justin? You done in there?" Someone spoke with concern.

"Yeah I'll, um, be out in a minute." I called back to them. I heard them mutter an 'okay' and then I looked at myself again. Tears down my face, so I quickly splashed water on my face again, before turning and opening the door.

I saw Raegan waiting for me on the edge of the now, made hospital bed.

"Hey, you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

(A/n: sorry I got a little depressing towards the end. But I'm really depressed right now... Something happened. But it doesn't matter. Hope y'all enjoyed this, okay? Okay bye.)

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