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If you'd asked Lana Rinaldi what her least favorite things to do were, she'd definitely put her current situation on that list. She was sat in an uncomfortable chair looking at the smug face of her brother. Half-brother anyway. Don't get her wrong, Lana loved her brother like she did her six other siblings but she wasn't overly fond of him. Being the second oldest Alpha only made her more uneasy of her older Alpha brother. "Why am I here, Luke?" She crossed her arms over her chest and her ankles over each other. She honestly hated being at her brother's place of work. It'd been their father's originally and probably where she, Luke, and her other siblings were all conceived years ago. Not that'd you expect anything else from the owner of an Omega club.

"C'mon sis you act like I always expect something from you." She raised a brow and he rolled his eyes. "Just because I asked for money the last two times doesn't mean I want it now." It was her turn to roll her eyes

"Then what do you want? It's late and I have work in the morning. Y'know good, honest work like some people have." If you could call writing nonstop for a newspaper and refusing her father's money good work. She crossed her jean clad legs again and narrowed her eyes. "Not to mention you know I hate the club more than our father." To say she and her father were estranged would be a great understatement. She loathed the man once she found out the real reason almost all her siblings had different mothers and why she didn't have contact with hers. Her father had all but taken her from her mother when Lana presented as an Alpha (just like he had to Luke's mother) and kept them separated.

She'd only found out what happened six years before on her fourteenth birth day when her mother, again, gave birth to another Alpha. Her father would've taken the child if he hadn't been too busy managing the three Alpha children he had and the two Beta. Her mother had found her and told her, and Luke, everything. While Lana had been greatly upset, Luke had shrugged it off and continued to plan to take over the club (and the Omegas with it) after their father.

"I do need to do something," She immediately sat up to protest, "but it's not money." She flicked her eyes from her brother's face to around the room. She hated this tacky decor that her father had to try to resemble a mob boss office. The oak desk and leather chair her brother sat in was proof of that.

"Then what?" Absolutely nothing good came from when her brother had to ask for something. He more than often demanded than asked. Lana couldn't deny she wasn't intrigued because of this.

Luke stood and clapped his hands together. Immediately the office door opened and two of the club's "handy" men came through. Between them was a very naked girl with her head hung and stumbling over her own feet. She collapsed to the ground when the two let her go. "Thank you boys, leave her here." Luke walked from behind the desk and over to the girl. Lana swallowed hard as the girl's scent all but smacked her in the face. Omega. "This here," He grabbed the girl by the nape of her neck and forced her to look up, "is Cherry. Beautiful little Cherry Kelly. Her name really suits her; she's brand spanking new and her Alpha step-daddy didn't want to care for her so here she is with me." Lana's eyes went wide and she looked between her brother to the girl. "Isn't she the prettiest little thing you've ever seen?" He tugged on her horrible but mess of ginger hair and gripped her jaw. Lana's teeth ground together at the mistreatment.

"You paid for a new Omega?" Lana's mind tried to be reasonable and come up with answers for why her brother would do so. Usually (to her distaste) Omega's came to the club willingly when they were desperate for a job and money. The very reason her mother had joined and why Lana was now here twenty years later.

Luke scoffed and shoved at the scared girl he held onto. "Do you really think I'd pay for another girl or even boy when I've got the best?" Lana narrowed her eyes. "I got her for one of two reasons: she can either become another one of our step-mothers or," Lana inhaled sharply. Her brother wouldn't, god she hoped he wouldn't. He couldn't make this little girl their father's knowing what he did to his Omegas. "You can take her."

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