"Hello Lord travinion, I am mrela and I am here to interogate you on your evil powers as I want to learn more of the dark side." Countess Meela was the 2nd most powerful sith lord, Travinion being 3rd but knowing lots of ancient sith knowledge from King falut,Master of all sith and 1 of the last sith race, who had hidden on yavin 4 until the end of the Republic. "I will tell you nothing on the ancient sith, for even King falut knows nothing as he wiped it from his memory and only I know! For I am the lore keeper!"
She laughed "you think you can re-" her speech was suddenly cut short as the hilt of a sager (lightsaber dagger) hit her head. A ancient face came forth and I knew him to be the ancient grand master yoda, resurrected from the dead as the rey gained this power and passed it on and they were able to resurrect Yoda, Anakin, Obi wan-Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jin as they where force ghosts and could be restored. "Come you must, or die you shall." I stepped up and left the room."
sith master
Hayran KurguA sith is captured, tortured and rescued... By a Jedi??? As he learns about the nature of the force he learns the light side and the dark and will become the perfect weapon.