Chapter 2

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Gerard was very excited to be getting a new stuffie today. He hasn't gotten a new one in two weeks! The last one he got was a black little cat from his mother when she came to visit her sons. When he asked what he had done to deserve a stuffie she simply said she missed him too much and needed a reason to come visit.
Now he was getting a stuffie for being the best brother in the world, and after Mikey had promised to take him for lunch and ice cream. Could this day get any better?
Gerard jumped out of the car, dragging his brother into the toy store with all the stuffies.
"C'mon Mikey! Hurry up before they sell out of stuffies!!" Gee exclaimed, starting to run into the store, leaving Mikey behind in the parking lot.
"Gee, don't run!! You'll run into someone!!" Mikey tried to call after him, but it was too late. Gerard had gotten so excited when running to the isle with all the stuffies, he ran right into a worker that was restocking some of the shelves. Gerard fell, hitting his elbow on a shelf as he did, and landed on his butt.
Tears immediately started to pour down his face, and blood came from his elbow.
"Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry!! Sweetheart, please don't cry! Here, let me help you!" Exclaimed the worker. He was short, but not too short, as he was still teller then Gerard. He had an angelic voice, was covered in tattoos, and had the most hot looking lip and nose piercings. His name tag read "frank".
Gerard thought this man was cute. Perfect daddy material!
Frank held a hand out to help Gerard up, which Gerard gladly took and got to his feet.
"Awh no! Your elbow is bleeding! C'mere princess, I'll help you clean it up," Frank said, taking Gerard's hand and leading him toward the bathroom.
At first, Frank was kind of intrigued by what Gerard was wearing, but he came to like it and think it was cute yet sexy at the same time. He wouldn't mind being a Daddy at all, especially to a drop dead gorgeous boy like Gerard.
Mikey watched the whole thing happen, and he was going to go apologize to Frank when he noticed how Frank was treating Gerard. Was Frank a daddy? Mikey instead started to wonder around the store, giving Gerard and this boy some space.
"So, what's your name sweetheart? My name is Frank," Frank asked in a sweet voice. Gerard blushed at the nickname.
"M-my n-name is G-gerard. Y-you can c-call me Gee, though," Gerard said shyly, staring down at the ground. He still had tears coming from his eyes. His elbow hurt so bad!
"Alright Gee, I'm going to help you clean up your elbow. But can you promise me something?" Frank asked.
"W-what is it?" Gee asked, quietly.
"Promise me that you'll give me your number. And promise me that you'll let me take you on a date later, to make up for your ouchie that I caused," Frank said with a smile, making Gerard blush.
"O-okay. I promise," Gee said, smiling up at Frank and wiping away his tears.
"Good boy!" Frank exclaimed, just as they reached the bathroom. The bathroom was for employees only but, fuck it, this guy is hot, adorable, and has a bloody elbow.
Frank opened the door to the single person bathroom, letting Gee walk in first, before closing the door behind him. They kept a first aid kit in a cabinet under the sink, which Frank bent over to get.
"Here Gee, sit up on the counter," Frank said, tapping the counter for Gerard to sit.
Gerard got up on the counter as Frank opened the first aid kit and took out some kind of ointment and a bandaid. Then, Frank got some paper towel and wet it slightly. With that, he started to clean up the dried blood on Gerard's arm, since his elbow had pretty much stopped bleeding.
"Ouchie!! It stings!" Gerard exclaimed, scooting back away from Frank when he went over the scrap with the wet paper towel.
"I know princess, I'm sorry. It's going to sting a little bit, okay? You can squeeze my arm if you want, but I need you to stay still for me. Can you do that?" Frank asked. Gerard's eyes were starting to brim with tears again.
"O-okay. I can do it for you, Frankie," Gee said with a smile, squeezing Franks bicep as Frank continued to clean the cut. Frank smiled at the new nickname Gee had given him. When he was done cleaning it, he threw the bloody paper towel away.
"All done?!" Gee asked excitedly.
"Not yet sweetcheeks! I have to put some ointment and a bandaid on it, okay? The ointment might sting a little bit, but you gotta be a big boy for me, okay? Squeeze my arm again if it helps," Frank said reassuringly.
Gerard squeezed Franks bicep as he put the disinfectant cream onto Gerard's elbow, followed by the bandaid.
"All done baby!! How does it feel, alright?" Frank asked, wanting to make sure Gee was okay, and feeling horrible for being the reason that he got hurt.
"Y-yeah, it's okay..but a kissie might make it feel more better," Gee said shyly, blushing slightly and looking down at the bathroom floor.
"Then a kiss you shall get," Frank said, smiling at Gerard's grammar. He took Gerard's face in his hands and placed a gently peck on the little's lips.
"Better baby?" Frank asked, getting the first aid kit and putting it back where it belonged.
Gerard nodded excitedly in response.
"Alright, remember what you promised me Gee?" Frank asked, taking his phone out of his pocket and going to add a new contact. He put Gerard's name as "Gee 🖤" and then handed the boy the phone to type in his number.
Gerard handed Frank back his phone with the biggest smile on his face.
"Sweet! I'll text you later Gee, but I should get back to work," Frank said, opening the door and letting Gerard out first.
"I'm gonna go get a stuffie!!" Gee exclaimed, before running off into the isle with all the stuffies. Mikey was In the isle waiting for him.
"Aye Gee! I picked you out this unicorn stuffie!! I saw you and that boy! What happened?" Mikey asked as he and Gee walked to go pay for the stuffie.
Gee explained what had happened, and how he'd be going on a date that night.
"Gee! That's amazing!! How about we go to his cash register to pay?" Mikey asked. Gee nodded in response, and together they walked to the check out where Frank was.
"Frankie!! This is my brother Mikey! And this is the stuffie I'm getting for being the best brother in the world!!" Gee exclaimed, shoving the stuffed unicorn at Frank.
"Hey Mikey, I'm Frank," Frank said, holding out a hand for Mikey to shake. Mikey shook it gladly, nodding a hello, and Frank turned his attention back to Gee.
"Whatchya gonna name her, Gee?" Frank asked, scanning the toy and handing it back to Gee.
"Mmm...oh I know!! I'll name her Cherry!!" Gee exclaimed, holding the stuffed animal to his chest.
"That's a cute name, Gee," Frank said back, cheerfully.
Mikey smiled, happy to see his brother so happy, and to see someone treating him so wonderfully. Mikey paid for the toy, and it was time to leave.
"Bye Frankie!! See you later!!" Gee exclaimed, going around the counter and kissing Frank on the cheek, before skipping out of the store.
"See ya Gee!" Frank called.

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