Chapter 8

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It's been a month since Frank met Mikey and Pete, and since that month, Frank no longer has a job at the toy store. He's now working for his dad's company, doing paper work and occasionally taking calls. It gives him way more time to spend with Gee.

Ah, Gee. Frank didn't know if he loved Gee yet, but he knew he liked Gerard a lot! They've only gotten closer and they pretty much know everything about each other. 

Frank planned to do something huge today: he was doing to ask Gerard to move in.

He's been thinking about it for a few days. They've only been dating for about six weeks, but he really was falling for Gerard. How couldn't he? Gerard was beautiful. He was so sweet and innocent, and he made Frank feel needed. His giggles made Frank smile. He was too adorable. Gee's pout and begging eyes always made Frank's heart melt. Gerard rocked his own style, and looked stunning in the female clothing he wore. He looked so angelic, his white skin, his gorgeous eyes, and the stuffie he always had in his hands. All these things made Frank fall for Gerard. Gee needed to be protected, and Frank needed to protect him.

First, Frank asked Mikey if it was a good idea to move in together. Mikey said if it's what Gerard wanted, he doesn't care what they do. As long as Frank didn't hurt Gee, of course.

So Frank planned out a very special night for the two.

Frank showed up at Gee's, Pete's, and Mikey's place early that Thursday morning. It was a beautiful day out, sunny with a slight breeze. Since it was spring, beautiful trees with pink flowers were everywhere, which Frank knew Gerard would absolutely love.

Frank walked into the apartment with breakfast from a local bakery in a bag for Gerard. He made his way through the small apartment to Gee's bedroom. He was still sound asleep, and he looked so peaceful.

"Gee? Baby, it's Daddy. I have a surprise for you!" Frank exclaimed, shaking Gerard awake.

Gerard slowly opened his eyes, yawning the cutest yawn Frank has ever seen. Once Gee realized Frank was there, and registered his words, he shot up into a sitting position.

"Daddy!" Gee exclaimed, wrapping his arms around Frank.

"Good morning, beautiful. I brought some breakfast. Get dressed and I'll go set the table, okay darling?" Frank asked sweetly, with a big smile on his face. Gerard made him so happy.

"Okay Daddy!" Gee exclaimed, jumping out of bed and running around his room, looking for clothes to wear.

Frank walked out of the room and to the small kitchen of the apartment. He got Gee a pink frosted donut with rainbow sprinkles for breakfast. He put the donut on the plate, and also added strawberries to the plate, since a donut wasn't very healthy. Frank got himself a bagel with butter, and a coffee. He got bagels for Mikey and Pete too, but since they were still sleeping Frank left them in the kitchen, and brought guys and Gerards breakfast to the table.

Gee came skipping to the table wearing a black shirt, cute black leather jacket, a red skirt, black thigh highs with small red bows at the top, and red converse. He looked stunning.

"Baby, you look absolutely gorgeous," Frank said, causing Gee to blush.

"Thank you, Daddy," he giggled, and hugged Frank. Frank kissed the top of Gerards head, and then directed him to his sit.

"Oh my goodness! It's pink! And has rainbow! This is the best breakfast ever! Thank you so much Daddy!" Gee exclaimed with a huge smile on his face.

"I knew you'd love it. Now, eat up princess! I have a fun day planned for us!" Frank said, sitting down and beginning to eat his breakfast.

"What are we doing, Daddy?" Gee asked, before popping a strawberry in his mouth.

"It's a surprise," Frank said with a smirk.

"But Daddy! I wanna know what it is!" Gee complained.

"Okay, well the sooner you eat your breakfast, the sooner you can find out what it is."

Gee stopped talking and started to devour his breakfast. No sooner than twenty minutes they were done eating and out the door.

"Frankie, can you pretty please tell me where we're going?" Gee begged.

"Baby boy, we'll be there soon, okay?" Frank said, turning up the radio. Gee didn't say anything, just started singing along to the music.

--- time lapse cuz I can ---

"Gee, we're here!" Frank said as he pulled into a parking lot at a local park.

"Daddy, what are we going to do first?" Gee asked, opening the door and getting out of the car.
"Well, what do you want to do first? Wanna see the ducks in the pond? Or play on the playground? Your choice, beautiful." Frank cooed.
Gee took Frank's hand and started bringing him towards the playground.
"Daddy, can you push me on the swings?"

"Of course I can, baby boy."

Gee spent a few minutes on the swings before he saw something else he wanted to do.

"Daddy! Daddy!" Gee exclaimed, jumping off the swing.
"Yes baby?"
"Daddy can we go climb the pretty pink tree? Please, please, pleeaasseee?"
"Absolutely, my little angel."

Gee led his Daddy over to the tree he wanted to climb with the pretty pink flowers. Gee climbed up first, Frank standing under Gee as he climbed so if he fell his Daddy would catch him. Frank also didn't mind the view up Gee's skirt, but that's besides the point. Frank thought Gee looked absolutely adorable, sitting on the tree branch with his legs dangling.
"Daddy! What are you doing, come up here with me!" Gee whined.
"Hold on baby, Daddy just wants to take a picture of you, you look so cute." Frank said, snapping a photo of Gee. It was definitely his most favorite photo now. Frank climbed the tree and sat on the branch with Gee.
"Daddy, if we ever get married I wanna do it in this tree." Gee stated.
"Yeah?" Frank asked.
"Yeah. It's so pretty. It's pink and look!" Gee said and pointed at the sky, "It's the perfect place to look at clouds! That one looks like a kitty!" Gee said, pointing at a cat shaped cloud.
"Maybe after you get settled into my place we could get a kitten." Frank suggested, hinting that he wanted Gee to move in with him.
"Wait, after I get settled it with you?" Gee questioned, excitedly.
"Yes angel, I wanted to know if you wanted to move in with me?" Frank asked.
"Oh my goodness! Yes! Yes! Yes!" Gee said, hugging and kissing Frank carefully, so they didn't fall out of the tree.


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