Chapter 9

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Today was the day! Today was the day Gee was going to move in with Frank. Gee didn't have that many things, mostly just clothes and stuffies, so Frank was thankful and it probably wouldn't take too long.
Frank had previously moved all his clothes from his closer to his dresser, that way Gee could have the closet, since he already knows he's going to have tons of clothes.
Mikey has been helping Gee put all his things in boxes, and they decided that today would be the day they moved everything.
Gee was awoken in the morning by Pete and Mikey jumping on him.
"Today is the day bud!" Mikey exclaimed.
"You're leaving us!" Pete pretty much cried.
Gee sat right up with the biggest smile on his face. He brought Mikey and Pete into a tight hug.
"I love you guys so much!" Gee said.
"We love you to Gee," Pete said.
"Now come on before your breakfast gets cold," mikey said.
With that, they all sat down and ate the last breakfast they'd eat together while Gee still lived there. Of course, they had Gee's favorite breakfast, pancakes, ice cream, and strawberries.

After they ate, Gee brushed his hair and teeth, and got dressed into a baby blue romper, white thigh highs with blue bows at the top, and blue converse. He had just finished applying mascara when there was a knock on the door.
"I GOT IT. I GOT IT. I GOT IT!" Gee yelled, running and opening the front door.
"Hello, beautiful,"Frank said sweetly.
"Daddy!" Gerard exclaimed, jumping up and hugging Frank, wrapping his legs around Frank's waist.
Frank kissed Gee's forehead before putting him down.
"So are we ready to start putting boxes in the car?" Frank asked, excitedly.
"YES, YES, YES!" Gee screamed, running to his room and picking up the lightest box, a box of stuffies.
"Daddy, come here!" Gee yelled.
"I'm coming, baby boy."
When Frank got to Gee's room he looked at all the boxes on the floor. He switched cars with his dad for the day, taking his dad's pick up truck, so it'd be easier to move everything, and hopefully they'd be able to get it done in one trip.
"Daddy! I put the heavier boxes on the left side and the light ones on the right side," Gee explained.
"That was smart baby, so you get the heavy ones and I get the light ones?" Frank joked, making Gee giggle.
"No daddy! You get the heavy ones and I get the light ones!" Gee explained in his cute, squeaky voice.
"Okay, let's make a bet, how long do you think it will take to get all the boxes in the car?" Frank asked. Gee smiled and thought really hard.
"An hour and a half!" Gee answered.
"Okay, I say an hour. Whoever is right gets to pick what movie we watch tonight, deal?" Frank asked.
"Deal!" Gee squealed.
"Okay, it's 10:25, let's get started!" Frank said, picking up the heavy boxes as he was instructed to do, and Gee taking the light boxes.

--An hour later & 15 minutes later--

"Daddy! There's no more boxes left!" Gee exclaimed.
"Daddy who won?" Gee asked, excitedly.
Frank checked his watch to see the time.
"Wow baby, we tied! It took us an hour and 15 minutes, right in the middle of the times we both chose." Frank said.
Gee's smile turned into a pout.
"Baby boy, what's wrong?" Frank asked, hugging Gee.
"Then who gets to pick the movie, Daddy?" Gee asked, with his puppy dog eyes.
"I have an idea baby, how about we both pick out a movie? We can watch two? And eat all the snacks you want? Sound good, princess?" Frank asked.
A smile immediately spread across Gee's face.
"Daddy I'm so excited!" Gee exclaimed.
"Me to, angel. Now how about we go say goodbye to Pete and Mikey and then go home, sound good sweetheart?" Frank said, using a gentle voice. Frank was a tough guy, but he always talked to Gee in a gentle, angel like voice, and Gee was in love with it.
Gee nodded, and together they walked out of Gerards old room, and to the living room where Pete and Mikey were.
Gee went and hugged Pete, while Frank shook Mikey's hand.
"You be good to my baby brother, got it?" Mikey said with a smile on his face.
"Oh trust me, I will be beyond good to him, he deserves the world and more." Frank said.
Mikey started to tear up. He was just so happy his brother finally found someone he knew would treat him like the princess he is.
Frank shook hands with Pete while Gee hugged Mikey goodbye.
"We're gonna miss seeing you everyday Gee. Promise you'll visit us often?" Mikey said. Mikey, Pete, and Gee all had tears in their eyes, and Frank was on the verge of tears watching them all.
"I promise." Gee said.
"Alright baby bro, see you soon." Mikey said, and with that, Frank and Gee left, going to the apartment they'd now be sharing together.

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