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word count; 1,100



"Harder, please." 

"This isn't what I had in mind." Harry chuckles, the bottom of his palms kneading into her skin.

"I drank alot of Modelo, so my peach cobbler will be toxic." 

"Did you.. just refer to your vagina as peach cobbler?" Harry scoffs

"Yes, I did." August huffs, telling him to continue rubbing her back. "Oh, I'm sorry about the party I really wish they were more welcoming." 

"I understand completely while they are so.. unwelcoming." Harry says, grabbing the small bottle of oil. Soaking his hands with it, then moving back to August's back.

"You do?" She asks

"Yes, I do." 

"Thank you." She hums

"Of course August, I am not a minority although I am an immigrant myself if they were to come to me and try to deport me. I would not get deported probably, you know?" Harry says, not really explaining his claim properly but she understands.

"Well now you can't apply for papers. Why didn't your mom do that when you were younger?" August asks

"She did try but it they said, oh it didn't come through send it again. We did that at least four times waiting for it to come through and it never did and then I turned eighteen." Harry shrugs

"That happened to my cousins daughter, but she's getting married so she's saved in a way."

"That's really nice."

"So is your mom a British Citizen?"

"No, she's actually a citizen here." He says removing his hands from her back, staring at her head as she lays down.

"Do you plan to get an American citizenship?" August asks, propping herself on her elbows turning her head along with her body to look at him.

"Yes, I have a green card but it expires soon. We're going downtown soon to apply, I've been here for more than five years."

"But I don't want to talk about it, let's watch something." Harry says, his mood changing drastically.

"Oh, I just got this new DVD...." There's a long pause as she gets up and walks to her entertainment set. "Do you want anime?"

"Um, yes."

"Name some shows." August crosses her arms, pursing her lips.

"What do you think I'm lying?" Harry laughs loudly

"Name some shows." She repeats

"Uh... One Piece, One Punch Man, Cowboy Bebop, Naruto, Bleach, fucking Sailor Moon. That zombie one with the girls with big tits.. that one was nice. They took it off Netlfix though." Harry shrugs

"Movies?" August asks

"Fuck, um Spirited Away, the moving fucking castle one, The Cat Returns, someones delivery service one... Ponyo, Princess Mononoke, that one is my absolute favorite. Ummmm the castle in the sky." 

"You're missing one and that's the one we are going to watch." August groans

"Um... those are all I know."

"Wow, get out." August laughs

"Come on, just tell me." Harry whines

"My Neighbor Totor!!" August screams, jumping up and down for only a second.

"Ugh, fuck! I know that one." Harry slaps his hands over his eyes, falling back onto the bed.

"Well, we're watching it. It's my favorite." August claps excitedly, movie in hand she takes it out laying it gently on the tray.

They sit together watching the movie, under the covers the kittens loose begin to join them along with Sol and Luna nursing the kittens. Laying with them in a group, licking and purring with them. Soon they watch another movie, both of them dozing off... eyelids growing weak and heavy. The night now consumers them and they are no longer awake.

When morning comes August is the first to awaken, preparing breakfast for both of them. The smell of her Mexican food coats the air like a warm blanket over goosebumped skin. 

"Morning." August smiles


"Come, sit and eat. I have something to show you when you're done eating." August pulls out a chair, he sits and she grabs the plate setting it down.

"Eat." She kisses his cheek and he begins to eat, August leaves the kitchen dropping here towel on her carpeted bedroom floor. 

Dressing herself in a matching set of red lace lingerie, reaching for her deodorant swiping it under her arms. "August?" Quickly she unclips her hair letting her thick curly hair cascade over her shoulders. Spritzing her Saint Laurent perfume on her neck and chest.

"August? I'm done eating." Harry says from afar, August slips on her slik robe tying it round her waist. Red heels by her side her feet slide into them, "I'm done eating what did you have to show me?"

"Oh," He stands in awe, her red lipstick soft side by her tan skin.

"Come with me." 


Walking down the hall to a door decorated with white lilac flowers, he's noticed this room but it never really caught his eye. She gently grabs a key hanging from a hook right next to the door. Pushing the key into the hole, she turns it revealing a room that is painted a matte red. King size bed lays in the middle, covering the bed is a black comforter set. The headboard has leather cuffs mounted on each side.

"I change the sheets every time someone comes in here. I replace them every month just to be clean. Come in." August smiles

"Is this ike a sex room?" Harry asks

"Yeah, come in." August says

"Oh... how many people have you had in here?" Harry frowns

"That's none of your concern. Now pick an outfit." She says, as he walks further into the room revealing a long closet. He just realizes that two tall mid length dressers are stationed on each side of the bed near the wall.

"An outfit?" He asks

"Yes, go on the left side of the closet. Chose whichever you want, the yellow one is my favorite." August smiles

August flips her hair behind her, opening the top drawer that contains her collection of leashes. She rubs her fingers over a spiked one then, touches a furry pink one. "Tell me the color of your outfit so I can pick a matching collar."

"Collar?" Harry asks

"God, are you deaf?" August scoffs

Harry shrugs, looking through the outfits he's stuck between the zip up overalls and the black leather button up shorts. "I'll take these." He holds up the black shorts and August snatches a thick leather- spiked collar. Opening yet another drawer, grabbing to bracelets that have two furry pom poms attached to them.

"Okay, change." 

After he changes into the tight shorts, she pulls him foward strapping the collar onto his neck.

"Do you know what to call me when we're doing this?" 


"You're going to call me Mommy."


gonna put more mommy stuff and since i did a second book now i gotta hit you guys extra hard with the plot twists (((:

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