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A/N: This short ver is killing me, visuals or what. Also so sorry this update is late!

Youngjae enjoyed waking up that morning, his head was rested on JB's chest and he could hear his heart beat. His chest was steadily rising up and down, and his breath messed up Youngjae's hair a little bit. Youngjae didn't want to admit it at first, but he was really starting to fall for JB, so much that he wanted to speak up to him and tell him. But that wouldn't be a good idea.

Youngjae still wasn't sure how JB felt about him, or if he felt anything at all. He wanted to know of course, but was afraid that if he did so, JB might not want to speak to him again. He wanted to at least be his friend, than not have him at all.

To Youngjae, everything that has been happening has made it seem like just maybe the older boy likes him back. But he could never be sure if that was just because JB is a genuinely nice and caring person. In no way, was Youngjae certain of anything at all. As Coco found out that Youngjae's eyes were open, she got out of her small dog bed and started to wiggle her tail, trying to jump on his bed. When she knew that she couldn't jump up, she started to bark.

"Coco shhh," Youngjae immediately whispers, hoping to stay in the older boys embrace a little bit longer. Unfortunately, JB moves slightly underneath Youngjae and opens his eyes, landing on Youngjae's hair. A slight smile appeared on JB's face, knowing that the younger boy has remained in his embrace all night. JB's arm reaches down and he picks up Coco, putting her on the bed, making Youngjae sit up and pat his lap for Coco to move. JB missed Youngjae's warmth on his chest, but didn't want to complain aloud.

"Sorry, I didn't think she'd wake us up in the morning... didn't think it through," Youngjae instantly apologises to the older boy, even though he knows he's not at fault.

"Don't worry, I've slept later than usual anyway," JB smiles, sitting up too, stroking Coco's small head. JB was always more of a cat person, but Coco was loveable. The two boys made small conversations while playing with Coco, and it wasn't until Youngjae's stomach made a noise that they decided to get out of bed and get dressed.

"Erm Youngjae..." JB got the younger boys attention while opening the fridge.

"Yeah?" Youngjae stops playing tug with Coco and pays his attention to JB.

"Lilah may of not done any shopping because..." he doesn't finish his sentence, just opens the fridge further revealing its empty state.

"Pabo," Youngjae says under his breath. "Well, looks like I'll be taking you out for breakfast." Youngjae smiles at JB, trying his best to make it sound flirtatious, hoping that JB won't take offence.

"Okaii, sure." JB smiles back and takes Youngjaes hand, leading the way out of the door and to the street. "What type of breakfast do you fancy?"

"I'm the one who is supposed to be taking you out, therefore it's up to you, what do you want?" Youngjae quickly turns the decision to JB, not wanting to choose something he might not like.

"I've always wanted to have a proper French breakfast, you know, like a nice warm croissant with some nice filling. Though, I've never gone because I didn't want to do it alone." JB admits to Youngjae, and Youngjae appreciated it when JB opened up to him. It made him feel like JB trusted him enough to let him know more about himself.

"Let's find a cafe that offers this then!" Youngjae gets his phone out, searching where they could go. Once they figure out a cafe which offers what they want for breakfast, they start their walk to it. The whole time, JB has hold of Youngjae's hand. When they walked into the cafe, the smell of freshly made coffee and baked goodies filled the boys nostrils, making them both eager to sit down and order. It meant letting go of each others hands, which made Youngjae feel some what empty but he sat opposite JB and picked up the menu. The menu consisted of lots of goodies they've not heard of before, causing them to search up on their phones what it was the cafe was offering. 

"What will you go for?" Youngjae asked JB, even though he was sure that he was going to choose a croissant, after all, that's why they went to look for this restaurant. 

"Hot chocolate - no scrap that. A caramel latte and a croissant." JB seems satisfied with that as he puts the menu down and looks at Youngjae, who just smiled back at him. "What about you, Jae?" JB asked him in return. The only person who sometimes called Youngjae 'Jae' was Lilah, though he didn't mind much. 

"Hmmm, I'll have a green ice tea and then a croissant too," Youngjae decides just as the waitress comes over to take their order. 

"Is that everything for you?" She smiles at JB, completely ignoring Youngjae, except for his order. 

"Yes thank you." JB smiles back politely, and Youngjae can't help but to feel jealous over the fact that she got JB's attention. JB noticed the slight frown on Youngjae's face, but didn't understand why. Youngjae looked outside of the window and saw the busy street life outside, and was some what happy they weren't out there in rush hour. 

 "Here we are," the waitress puts down Youngjae's order carelessly then placed down JB's while smiling and then twirling her hair. "If there's anything I can do for you oppa let me know," she blushes and walks off. Youngjae just rolls his eyes, he didn't understand how she could act and be so naive, he just let it go and started eating. 

"You enjoying it?" JB asked Youngjae, afraid that maybe his breakfast choice might not be satisfactory enough. 

"Yeah, it's great. I didn't know a cafe like this existed here." Youngjae replies, having a sip of his green iced tea. There was something about the tea that made him relax, he could also drink it straight away, as it wasn't warm. The boys exchanged conversation as they ate, enjoying each others company. 

"Was that all fine for you?" The waitress comes back collecting their empty dishes, only directing the question at JB though, completely blanking Youngjae. It wasn't until Youngjae spoke up that she noticed his presence. 

"Can I have the bill please," he spoke up, while she gave him a disgusted look and walked off. It was all a bit strange to Youngjae, considering he has never met her before yet she decided to give him attitude and ignore him. He wished he was as handsome as JB, maybe then people would pay him attention too. 

"Here," she hands him the bill, then she also holds an extra piece of paper which she hands to JB. "Call me," she winks and walks off. By now Youngjae was fuming inside, yet refused to show it on the outside. He put down the correct change and got up, leaving the cafe and JB behind. 

"Youngjae-ssi!" JB sighs and gets up walking after him. Youngjae has blended in with the crowd as it was still rush hour, but once JB spotted him he chased after him. "Youngjae!" He tried calling for him again. Once Youngjae reached the park he slowed down slightly, but didn't stop. "Youngjae stop!" JB calls one more time, this time making the younger boy freeze. 

"Sorry," Youngjae turns around, slightly calmer now that he was in a more laid back environment. He really enjoyed being in the park, it was always so happy and positive around here, families with the kids, a nice flowing river, and of course a load of dogs.

"Was it because of her? Is that why you left in such a hurry?" JB questions him as he catches up with Youngjae, slightly out of breath. 

"No," Youngjae lies, looking back over the water as he sits down by the river. 

"Don't lie to me," JB teases, though he just wanted to know what was wrong. 

"Maybe, she was just, eugh." Youngjae lets out a frustrated sound. 

"Here," JB hands Youngjae the piece of paper which has the number of the waitress, though Youngjae just looks at him confused. "I'm not going to call her, you know I'm not into girls." Finally, Youngjae was certain that JB wasn't interested in girls, a large smile forming on his face as he takes the note and throws it into the water. 

"I thought you were against littering?" JB seems taken back.

"Someone will find it and call her." He slightly chuckles. 

"I wouldn't throw away a diamond for a rock." JB mumbles under his breath. 

"What?" Youngjae asks JB, looking directly into his eyes.

"I said we should go check on Coco." JB stands up and extends his arm out to help up Youngjae, and once Youngjae is up, JB intertwines their fingers as they walk back to the flat. 

A Stranger {Youngjae, JB, 2Jae}Where stories live. Discover now