proposal two

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The eremony was going full on and everyone was having fun...well,I would like to say that but it was the most boring party ever. Everyone seemed kinda scared of me and wouldn't even look at me in the eyes and for Shawn,he was engulfed by an intimidating crowd of good-looking men and women. I had discreetly made my way to the banquet where I took a seat and sat like a lonesome person. I wanted to send a link to Shawn but he had told me before that he had blocked it for the moment in case someone entered the link since our bond was still weak given that the mating process was not complete. It's like a computer which can be hacked...

Suddenly,there was a sudden uproar making me turn around. I could see a trio composed of Nian,Nathaniel and Juvia. They seemed to stand out of the crowd with their different aura and they all broke into a smile when they saw me. Nian immediately rushed to my side while the other two followed lazily behind. Now,we were three to be bored and sitting. But it was better than being alone and we all broke into a fit of laughter when Nian started cracking jokes about how there was a strange woman in Nat's bed and how the woman reacted when a naked Nian entered and glared at her. Poor Nat, he had to explain some stuff and they went on with their conflict. They were just like some married couple.

After a while of chatting with my new family,I turned to look at my mate and anger washed over me when I saw a woman with her hands on my mate. My mate!


I never felt so jealous and angry in my whole life as I glared at the women and my mate. I had to admit that she was beautiful. My body nearly shot up to kill the woman when my mate smiled at her.

"Someone's jealous..." I heard the amused voice of Nian and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Then how about we make him jealous. It's been a while I have seen bro jealous!" Nian cried excitedly and I didn't even get time to understand what he was saying as I was dragged to the dance floor and some random lady was thruster in my arms.

I stumbled to get a good posture as I didn't let my pride down and slipped my arms around the quite beautiful lady and I lead her across the dance floor. I relaxed and concentrated on moving at the rhythm of the music. After some while,the music changed to some tango stuff.

What ? Seriously,tango?!

I was amazed at the speed at which the lady who ,a moment ago,was in a gown was now into some indecent dress which was rather exposing. What amazed me even more was the fact that the serene expression on her face was now a lustful one.

Am I in some horror movie where all the dolls are sweet moment and scary the next?

She simply stuck to me and pulled my body closer as she wrapped one of her long legs around me. Eww...her boobs bounced and stuck to me.

I would have been embarrassed by the fact that I was the only one wearing a suit but the suit I had on was suitable for a tango too,at least it was when the lady unbuttoned my first three button and my coat had disappeared from me.  The pendant given to me by Shawn jumped out when I did a swirl and crossed my arms with the lady.

Seconds before the song ended I was abruptly pulled into strong arms and my skin went ablaze at the contact of the smooth hand on my body. Crimson eyes bored into mine and my ears didn't even register the fact that the song had changed into a sweet couple dance. At the sound of violin, I was pulled impossibly closer to that hot,extremely hot,body and the scent made me horny and at the same time relaxed. His scent was so good,so delicious,just like the fresh air  in a panoramic valley with deep green pines and a unique fruity smell. My mind was hazy and blank when he buried his face in the crook of my neck and my hands fisted his shirt. His tongue came out and licked the bit of flesh on my neck. I tensed...

"Why must you toy with me like that? Where you testing if I could be jealous? Well,I'm extremely jealous!" He whispered lowly and huskily in my ear as he teased the lobe.

"You're at fault. You were flirting with those women. I know they are beautiful but-but I ..." My voice trailed.

He told me no words.

Usually he would say something but he stayed silent and he just kept moving with me and what was killing me was that I couldn't see his face.

Suddenly the song ended and everyone clapped hands before beginning to disperse. I tried to pull away but Shawn stayed like that. I could feel eyes on us and I started feeling suffocated. Through the corner of my eyes,I saw the lady I was just dancing with in a very bad condition. Her face was pale,I mean her face was already pale given she was a vampire but now it was paler. Her dress was a bit crinkled.

"S-Shahhh!"I bit my lips to muffle the moan that threatened to leave my lips when Shawn abruptly bit me. My back arched and I released a shaky breath.My body submitted to the intense pleasure. He bit quiet harshly,pulling my hair back,exposing my neck more. The release that had been stopped surged forward and I fighted it with all my might.

Why was he being like this?


Mine? All that I could get from the sexy beast was repeated 'mines'.

I knew now.

He's claiming what was his. He was showing me to everyone. His soft fingers made a mess of my hairs. I didn't mind the small whispers and murmurs circulating around as Shawn pulled back and placed a searing kiss on my trembling lips.

" wow! That was sexy! I think we need to do that too Nat!"Nian stated and I smiled at the red faced Nathaniel.

"Yeah... It was hot and so-so...possessive." Said an excited Juvia.

It took me quite some time to get from my cloud of pleasure and drift back to earth.

A large warm hand entangled with mine and my attention went straight to my mine as I tried to ignore the terrible hard on in my pants.

"We're going somewhere love." He said sweetly.

"Where?" I asked.

"Don't ask. Just come with me." I nodded and waved at the funny group of three as I didn't even get time to process anything and we were somewhere else.

The place was lit with rose scented candles and the floor was covered with red petals. It was so beautiful. There were sparkling little things hanging around and all of my favourite flowers were hung on the walls.


This was...familiar.

This was my university...

My philosophy classroom...

I turned around and saw Shawn kneeled down and looking at me with that expression that almost made me melt. My heart started beating erratically,it was literally pounding hard and loud enough for me to hear.
Then,....he said it.

"I love you,Adam,more than anything so would you please marry me?"

Hello guys,I know I'm late but I'm really busy with school rn. Hope I get ur support and that u liked the chapter and that you will vote.

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