Chapter 1

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Kali Harpercop and her family had moved to California, and had been living there for quite a few years now. Their next door neighbors were the Newton family. 

The Newton kids admired Kali's many pets, especially her dogs. Ryce Newton, the oldest, was Kali's best friend.Kali had told the Newton kids stories about her many adventures, specifically with dogs and other animals. 

The Newton kids had always wanted a dog, but their father, George Newton, wouldn't allow it. Kali seemed to know the reason why. 

One day, Kali decided to take her young teenage dalmatians out for a walk. It was a beautiful morning with all the sights and sounds. 

For the past few months, Kali and her family had been hearing news reports about stolen pets and animal abuse, it bugged her. But the young teenager made sure that her pets were safe, especially her dogs. 

Kali soon came across the pet store and just had to stop and look at the animals through the windows. Kali and the dalmatians were in awe at the sight of puppies. 

When Kali noticed one particular puppy, a little St Bernard. Kali had always wanted a St Bernard, they were one of her favorite dog breeds.

"Aw, how cute!" Cadpig commented on the St Bernard puppy. 

"Hey there little guy" Patch said to the St Bernard puppy. 

"Now who wouldn't want to take home this little cutie" Kali cooed at the puppy. 

The St Bernard puppy looked at the girl and her group of dogs. Kali and the puppy seemed to felt a connection with each other. Kali and her dogs continued observing the St Bernard for another few minutes, while other people walked by and looked at the St Bernard as well. Kali and her dogs even witnessed the St Bernard take a whiz on a mean biker lady, they couldn't help but snicker. 

"That pup's got talent!" Lucky smirked, seeming to take a liking to the St Bernard. 

"Just like Whizzer" Rolly teased on his and his sibling's still poorly housebroken brother. 

Kali soon had to continue walking her dalmatians. But she hated to leave the little St Bernard, as he gave her the sad puppy dog eyes. 

"Bye little guy, maybe we'll see you again... sometime" Kali said before she turned around and continued on with her walk.  

Later in the evening, Kali arrived home and helped her mom out with the chores. 

Soon the family sat down for dinner. Kali told her family about her experience today with the St Bernard puppy. 

"Mom, Dad, can we get another dog?" Ann begged. 

"NO!" both parents firmly replied. 

"I don't see why the Newtons can't have a dog" Ann started. 

"Dad, why does Mr Newton hate dogs?" Brock asked. 

"Son, he doesn't hate them" Walter told Brock. "He just probably had a bad experience with dogs once". 

"Yeah but I don't see why he can't give his kids a chance" Brock continued, before he accidentally dropped some of his food on the floor. Rolly was obviously waiting for that to happen. 

"Ditto" Kali agreed with her brother. 

Kali went to bed that night with her pets sleeping at the end of her bed. But the teenager couldn't get the St Bernard puppy off her mind. She also had a bad feeling about a possible dog-napping at the pet store tonight. 

Kali eventually went to sleep and started having many dreams and visions about the St Bernard puppy.   

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