Chapter 5

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Beethoven and Lucky soon came to the high school, waiting for their owners to get out for lunch. While Cadpig, Rolly, and the others had gone home.

Kali came out first, soon followed by Ryce. 

"Hey, boys!" Kali greeted while she petted both dogs. 

"Hi" Ryce greeted Beethoven. "Miss Simpkins made me stay after" 

"Typical teachers" Lucky replied while rolling his eyes. 

"You guys want some twinkies?" Kali asked the dogs, remembering that Ryce had a few extras. She was planing on giving one to Beethoven. 

"No thanks" Lucky politely declined. The dalmatian wasn't interested in food right now, but Beethoven on the other hand, or paw... 

"Hold on a minute" Ryce told Beethoven while unwrapping the sponge cake and then gave it to her dog. 

"It's all yours, big fella" Kali then gave Beethoven leftovers from her lunch. She and Beethoven had really bonded over the years, even though he wasn't her dog. 

"Good boy" Ryce petted her dog. 

They all then looked over, spotting a girl with the long brown hair Kali and Ryce saw from the gym earlier talking to Ryce's crush which got their attention.

"You guys see over there?" Ryce pointed out to the dogs. "That's Donna Ditsworth" 

"She's the most popular girl in the whole school" Kali explained to the dogs. 

"Wow, even more than Cynthia?" Lucky asked his owner. 

"Yep" Kali nodded. 

"Snobby brat" Kali and Lucky both grumbled while glaring at Donna in disgust. 

"Even Mark thinks she's perfect" Ryce sighed in disappointment about her crush. 

Beethoven noticed his teenage owner seemed sad, but then got an idea. 

"Wait here" Beethoven told his friends before walking off. "I've got an idea"

"Beethoven?" Ryce called out. 

"It's okay, he knows what he's doing" Kali simply told Ryce while giving a smirk towards the st bernard. Ryce looked to her best friend confused with an eyebrow rasie, but trusted her. 

They watched as Beethoven took a stick in his mouth over to where Mark was. Ryce suddenly grew a little nervous as Beethoven brought Mark, plus his friend back over to them. Ryce simply just smiled when her crush looked at her. 

"Cool dog" Mark told the girls. "Cool dog" Mark's friend added. 

"Is he yours?" Mark then asked Kali. 

"Actually, he belongs to my friend here" Kali pointed to Ryce. 

"What's his name?" Mark asked Ryce. 

"...Beethoven" Ryce said. 

"Wow! Hi, Beethoven" Mark petted the st bernard. 

"Cool dog" Mark's friend said.  

"And this is why dogs are the perfect wing-mans" Lucky smirked to his teenage owner. 

"Well, see ya later, Ryce" Mark smiled to the blonde haired girl and then left. 

Kali and Lucky smirked at each other and high-fived, knowing this worked out well while Ryce hugged Beethoven and laughed. "He knows my name! He knows my name!" 

"Well done, Beethoven" Lucky smirked at the st bernard. "You make the perfect wing-man" 

"Thanks, Lucky" Beethoven replied with a smile. 

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