Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

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        Draco continued his act of disappearance as the weeks went by, and we all gradually became used to the fact that he simply wasn't going to show up. Even the Slytherins didn't have a clue where he wandered off to. Slughorn had given up on finding his whereabouts, and I had given up hope on him coming back. Everything progressed on, as if Draco just simply left for good.

        "How far are you in your Potions project?" Hermione asked me. We were walking towards the Potions classroom.

        "Nowhere," I sighed. "There isn't anything that is truly interesting me..."

        She gave me an incredulous look. "Have you even started?!"

        I gave her a weak smile, knowing that she'd flip as soon as she hears. "Err...nope?"

        "ALIA!" she exploded. She yanked me to a stop in the middle of the hallway and put her hands on her hips, giving me her most evil glare. "This project is worth at least half of our semester grade! If you don't start soon, you're going to fail!"

        I waved her off, taking no concern of her words. "Don't worry about it, Hermione. I'll be fine."

        "Yeah, fine enough to fail," I heard her mutter. I ignored her, heading into the classroom with a confident stride.

        Ever since Malfoy had disappeared, I had grown more confident. Maybe it was just the fact that nobody tormented me anymore with him gone, or the fact that I didn't have to talk to him or anything since he had disappeared. Well, whatever it was, I was mighty glad that it had happened.

        So imagine my surprise, when I walk into see all the Slytherins crowding around my table, all laughing and hugging a certain platinum hair colored boy. My heart plummeted down into my stomach, and I bolted towards the door again. Hermione was just coming in, but I snagged her across the waist and dragged her behind a wall.

        "Alia, what the bloody hell are you doing?!" she gasped, holding a hand over her heart. "You scared me!"

        "He's here," I whispered. The same fear that I had buried long ago rose up in my chest again, preventing me from speaking any louder than a whisper.

        Hermione looked at me for a few seconds in confusion, wondering what I was talking about. But a few seconds later, realization dawned on her face and she looked at me with sympathy. "What are you going to do?"

        I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. I had almost said that I was going to skip Potions, but that would surely show that I would've found out and have been bothered with Draco's presence once again. Wasn't I already bothered though? Here I was out in the hall, freaking out and trying to get Hermione to help me calm down. Was I bothered? Most likely...yes.

        "I don't know..." I admitted, taking my time to say the words. Sure, I had options, but right now my mind was successfully convincing me that each one would end in disaster. Go in and take a seat next to him? What if he hates my presence, and starts yelling at me for making his life miserable? Try and escape? What if everyone then sees how much he affects me and calls me weak? My legs started to turn into jell-o and I gripped the wall, trying to remain upright.

        "Alia, are you okay?" Hermione's concerned voice brought me out of my reverie as I snapped my head up to look at her. As if I had gotten out of a trance, strength started seeping back into my limbs and I could stand upright again. I nodded slowly, squaring my shoulders and lifting my chin up.

The Way I Loved You: A Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now