Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

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        Alia and I parted our ways at 6 AM, after she successfully made the Babbling Potion. Good. That means that I don't have to teach her from the very beginning, I thought with a yawn. Between working on my task for the Dark Lord and tutoring Alia, I had no energy left. I felt lightheaded as I walked towards the Great Hall for breakfast, and I would've fallen asleep at the table had it not have been for Pansy's annoying constant chattering. Every few minutes, I found myself rubbing my eyes to keep the tiredness out of them.

        As I glanced over at the Gryffindor table, I noticed that Alia was doing the same thing. I smirked, feeling a little better that I wasn't the only one feeling like they hadn't slept in weeks. But I frowned as I realized that she had nothing to worry about, and therefore she shouldn't be so worried. Which meant that only thing that was probably bugging her was me, and I was the reason why she was losing so much sleep.

        A rush of guilt overcame me as I looked away. I hated being the cause of her problems, despite the fact that she was only a mudblood. But even as I thought that, my mind started to wander back towards last night, and I realized that I had treated her like an equal instead of someone at a lower class than me.

        "No, no, no! You're doing it all wrong, again!" I chastised, snatching the ingredients out of her hands. "Do you want us to get killed?!"

        "Well, the textbook never said anything about not being creative!" she shot back. "We can't all be boring gits like you!"

        I frowned at her, feeling a little miffed at her statement. Me, Draco Malfoy, boring? She had to be insane. "Be creative somewhere else, in Potions you have to follow the rules otherwise you can end up signing your own death warrant." I pointed to the Potions textbook. "See, it says here to just add the butterfly wings one by one. It doesn't say to add a butterfly wing, then add another one to make a pattern!"

        "But that's so boring!" she whined. Then she shot me a smirk. "Hey, maybe that's where you got your boringness from! Did you read the textbook cover to cover or something? No wonder Snape loves you!"

        "I'm not boring!" I protested. "And Snape does not love me!" And I knew for a fact that that was true. Snape actually detested me, and I almost always got into trouble with him. Him favoring me as his star pupil was just an act for everyone else to see.

        "Whatever you say, Draco," she smirked. "You may not be boring, but you do play by the rules. So I guess that makes you a goody-two-shoes instead."

        "Oh shut it," I growled. "And get back to making the Babbling Beverage."

        "See. Goody-two-shoes," Alia said simply.

        I growled again and reached over to her Potions book. "How's this for goody-two-shoes?" I started to rip pages from it, butchering the poor book till it lay at a mangled heap at my feet. Mother told me never to abuse literature, and that it a man's greatest key to knowledge. She would've been disappointed--no, very angry at me if she had been here. The fact that I would've caused such a reaction from her made me flinch and I instantly felt guilty.

        "Draco!" Alia shrieked. "I needed that!"

        I broke out of my reverie and smirked at her. "Not so much of a goody-two-shoes anymore, am I?"

The Way I Loved You: A Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now