Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

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       "You're late," a deep nasally voice droned, turning around to face us.

        Hermione and I stopped in our tracks, and I tensed up slightly. "We left the Great Hall with the rest of the students, professor. I don't understand why we're so late."

        "That's not my problem," Snape sneered. "And just for talking back to me, you have two weeks of detention, Ms. Morgan."

        See, what did I tell you about Snape? Merlin, I swear he hates me.

        I headed to my seat, shaking my head and quietly muttering under my breath. Draco was already there in his spot, staring straight ahead towards the front of the room. I sighed and sat next to him, running a hand through my hair. He didn't show any sign that he noticed my presence. I just shrugged and looked towards the front of the classroom as well.

        Snape started the class a few minutes later, after catching a few other "latecomers". They ended up receiving the same punishment that I did: a week worth of detention. And like me, none of them seemed too happy with that prospect.

        "Today we will review on how to make the Anti-Paralysis Potion, since it seems that this class is a place where one too many accidents are occurring. A few healing potions would work to your advantage. It seems that Slughorn skipped that important aspect," Snape announced coolly. "Ingredients are in the cabinet, and you have until the rest of the class period to finish the potion. You may"

        This time, I didn't bother consulting with Draco on what needed to be done. Doing that last time had screwed me up. What I had learned last night was that if I did the potion independently, then I had a less chance of screwing up. The textbook had called for six pairs of butterfly wings and a cup of standard ingredient before stirring them together and grabbing other necessities. I headed back to our station, only to be stopped in the middle by Snape. His flat black eyes bore into mine, causing a shiver to race down my spine.

        "I trust that you won't endanger anyone in this classroom, right Ms. Morgan?" he said quietly. Indignation built up in me and I opened my mouth to retort something back at him, but quickly thought better of it. I was already missing a week's worth of my life, I wasn't about to give Snape the satisfaction to steal away anymore moments.

        His eyes glinted with satisfaction as he realized the amount of power that he had over me, causing me to fume even longer.

        "Excuse me, professor," I replied, gritting my teeth. I headed to my station again, ignoring Draco's suddenly amused expression.

        "What are you waiting for? Can't you do something instead of just standing around?" I snapped at him, furiously adding the standard ingredient and stirring the potion. I wasn't in the mood for fun and games.

        He ignored my attitude. "Wow, he's really hard on you, isn't he? Even harder than on me..." Draco mused.

        I sighed, leaving the potion unattended for a few minutes. "I don't understand why. I never did anything to him, why does he always pick on me?"

        "He picks on a lot of people," Draco assured me, giving me a small smile. "Snape prefers to bully people around as a stress reliever."

        I snorted, resting my hands on my hips. "Stress reliever? What kind of stress would Snape of all people have?"

        Draco shrugged, suddenly seeming to withdraw from the conversation. "He just seems like someone who would have a lot on his shoulders, that's all. Everyone reveals their issues within time..."

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