Chapter 3

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Lauren's POV
"Lauren." I hear a voice "Lauren. Lauren. Lauren. Lauren. Lauren. Lauren. Lauren."
"Jesus, you're persistent," I say, opening my eyes, sitting up, swearing, and lying down .
"Guys! She's awake!"
"Uh huh,"
"They're caring," (Y/N) mutters. "I bet Kara's gotten them hooked on that bloody game."
"Kara's just recently 'discovered' Flappy Bird. She's trying to get past one hundred pipes, which involves playing obsessively, 24/7, challenging whoever comes over, and even gambling, occasionally."
"Ah," I say "Fuck. My head."
"I'll pass," (Y/N) says, and I give her the finger "Hey, that's not nice."
"Seriously though, my head hurts like shit," I say "Can I have an aspirin or something?"
"I don't know." (Y/N) replies "Can you?"
"Fuck off," I say
"It's actually my house," she says "so..."
"You, (Y/N), are impossible."
"Impossiiibleeee," (Y/N) sings
"Go away," I groan
"I'll yell for Dinah," I say. "And you'll have the pleasure of being on the recieving end of a poly beat-down."
"So-rry," (Y/N) pouts like a three-year-old.
"We all live in a yellow submarine, a yellow submarine," (Y/N) sings
"Fuck off, (Y/N)," I say, standing up suddenly and groaning.

"How the fuck do you live with her?" I ask Selena, Meghan and Kara, who are all furiously tapping their phones.
"What was it that you wanted?" Dinah says
"Ugh." I groan "I've got a headache, so I don't really want to have to yell. I might have to call Karen..."
"Dawg, no way," Dinah says, throwing her phone halfway across the room "Not the psycho pretzel lady,"
"Who tf is she?"
"The fuck, Selena. Jeez, what is it with 21-year-olds, abbreviations and swearing?" Ally says "She's this girl that we met at Starbucks one day. She fangirls over anything and everything - half of what she fangirls over are inanimate objects. But, she bothered us for hours and hours on end, before stalking us and breaking into Dinah's apartment, where she found pretzels - she started quite literally making out with them. Then she went to sleep in Dinah's bed. When we found her, we called the police."
"Why do you have her number then..?" Kara asks me
"She managed to get into my phone, and put her number into it. I never got around to deleting it." I say
"Where's (Y/N) gone?" Normani asks
"RIGHT HERE!" (Y/N) screams as she sprints into the room

"How is it," Meghan says "That less than an hour ago you were about to go into a food coma, and now you're acting like a 5-year-old who's had too much Kool-Aid?"
"Ceelebraatee gooood timesss, come ooon!" (Y/N) slurs
"Oh god," Ally says "(Y/N), are you drunk?"

"Nope." (Y/N) says, sitting next to Dinah on a couch "Fooled you. Anyway, about the tour."
"Lauren, don't faint." Normani says, as Dinah starts a timer.
"Wha- actually, never mind. I don't really want to know what that timer's for." I say
"Right, guys. You aren't the only opening act on tour with us."

"Who else is coming?" Normani asks

"Little Mix," Selena says "But only for the first leg, as they've got their own tour."
"Katy Perry," Meghan says

"And mine and (Y/N)'s long-term friend Austin Mahone (He's always the 'bad guy'.) Kara says
"I think we can probably live with all of them," Ally says
"Probably." Dinah says
"Wait," Normani says "Simon and LA know about this, right?"
"Yup," (Y/N) confirms. "They were the ones who suggested the whole thing."
"Your rehearsals start on Tuesday, but all of us have one tomorrow." Selena says. "As in, us, LM, Katy, Austin and you guys."
"The last song that we're doing for the show is gonna be all of us together." Meghan explains

"What song?" I ask
"That, you'll have to find out for yourself." Kara says
"YAAS!" (Y/N) yells, jumping up from her seat, throwing her phone halfway across the room
"What is it this time, (Y/N)?" Selena asks wearily
"Newcastle made it into the Premier League!" (Y/N) yells, dancing around the room.

Half an hour later, (Y/N) has been calmed down.
"I don't get it, Ally. Why the fuck do you carry a Bible around?"
"In her own words, 'You never know when you might need to pray, cleanse your mind, or tell off one of you children.'" Dinah says.
"There's gonna be a huge bump there for days," (Y/N) whines
"You're such a wimp, (Y/NN)." Kara states "How did you make it through high school like this?"
"I didn't," (Y/N) says matter-of-factly. "You didn't, either."
"That's not my point," Kara groans. "Ally-" she warns
"Don't hit them, Al." I say "It's like Cam- I mean, Dinah, Mani and me. We got into music before finishing school."
"Right." Ally says, grudgingly setting her Bible down on the coffee table. "Girls, we've got to get going. We've got an interview at 3."
"Aww," Dinah says "I'd kind of started to get attached to y'all."
"You're gonna have to get over being starstruck, Dinah," Kara says "You'll see us tomorrow."
"Actually, let's go." Dinah says "Big headed idiots."

Btw, I started writing this whole thing ages ago. That's why it mentions Easter, Little Mix being about to go on tour, and NUFC getting into the Premier League.

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