Chapter 7

370 7 1
                             is the set list thingy so yea
I'll explain it better at some point so yeah. (why tf do i say so yeah so much)

I sit on the throne (a drum stool), have a quick drink of water, fiddle with my beanie, put my ears in (I think that's the right word) and then pick up my sticks.
"Music.. now." someone - probably the stage manager or something says. The urgent screaming from the fans is, for a second, drowned out by the bass of the soundtrack (cue the start of the first video on the playlist). I feel the platform that the drums and I are on start to rise up to stage level. A spotlight shines on me briefly, causing the crowd to go insane, and then the UV lights turn on - my cue to start playing.

Lauren's POV
First show of tour: started.
Me: sorta scared.
Dick: out. (if you haven't seen that meme.. idek) (Y/N)'s just started her drum solo, and I'm really just freaking out. Like, I've had a crush on her pretty much since I found out about Concept in 2010, after Taylor showed me a video of them on their YouTube channel. (Y/N), the adorable teenager she was then, was the reason I started to question my sexuality. And then of course, Camila came along (that's right bitches, I managed to find a way to incorporate Camren in this fic too (i don't even really ship camren anymore)), and confirmed it all.
Lauren, stop thinking about her. You're over her. She's over you. You're never gonna talk again and it's all gonna be fine.

(Y/N)'s finished drumming now and Little Mix is on stage. Who got the power? Only four more acts to go until we're on. Shit.

Charlie's joined Little Mix for Oops. Three more.

Charlie's now singing How Long. Only two to go.

Marvin Gaye by Charlie Puth feat. Meghan Trainor. It's just one act to go now.

And they've finished. The girls and I stand at the back of the stage, hidden behind a curtain.
"You're on in.. 3, 2, 1 - go!" An assistant says.
'Lauren, they ain't ready for this.' I strut onto the stage and stand with a hand on my hip.
'Normani, they ain't ready for this.' Normani stands at my side.
'Ally, they ain't ready for this.' Ally comes and stands next to Mani.
'Dinah Jane, Fifth Harmony.' Dinah gets into position next to Ally as the crowd scream. Meghan's sat on the bottom stair leading from the platform we're stood on to the main stage. We share Camila's bits, and like always, it makes me sad. It still feels weird to go on stage without her.

"And you're beautiful, you're beautiful girl." The lights turn off and Meghan leaves the stage, Austin replacing her. We launch into our old nursery rhymes remix. It feels wrong, doing it without Camila.
No it doesn't. It feels normal. Who even is Camila?
"Lo." Normani hisses, poking my arm.
"You're supposed to be singing." I notice that the crowd's watching expectantly - some people are giggling too.
I mutter a string of curse words before beginning to sing again.

After the show all of the performers congregate in a rehearsal room to just hang out. Inevitably, we play truth or dare. Fans get prank called (we simply dial random numbers and hope for the best), managers get things stolen from them, and I think someone even rewired some of the speakers in the arena - don't ask me how.
The game eventually morphs into seven minutes in heaven crossed with spin the bottle. If the bottle lands on you, you go into the storage closet with whoever else it landed on.

Charlie spins the bottle and it lands on me.
"Agh." I say. I'd been hoping to just be able to sit back and laugh at people.
The bottle spins again, and believe it or not, when it stops, (Y/N)'s on the other end of the bottle. People laugh and go 'ooh' - it's not quite cliché enough for either one of us to blush, but I'm definitely embarrassed.

Next chapter'll be the closet scene.
I dunno if I should make it smutty or something? Some of my friends follow this account so it'd be a lil bit awks but yeah.
If you have any ideas you'd like to see in the upcoming chapters then pop em in the comments!
Thanks for reading!
- Sophie

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2018 ⏰

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