Chapter 6

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(Y/N)'s POV
First show of tour. In three hours. Fuck
We're at the O2 Arena tonight - for the first of three shows we're playing here. I don't wanna brag, but all of them are, like, completely sold out.
"(Y/N)! THERE'S SEGWAYS!" Kara screams, and as the excitable three year old I truly am, I sprint towards her. "Pole!" I don't process her warning until I've slammed into what is a very obvious pillar. "Should've gone to Specsavers." Kara says nonchalantly.
"Fuck," I groan. "Why the fuck is there a fuckin' pillar in the middle of the fuckin' 'allway?"
"I dunno. Let's race!" Kara gets onto the nearest segway
"Nah, I can't be arsed." I say. "I'm just gonna ride one around until soundcheck."
"You're no fun," Kara moans, and speeds off. "I'm gonna go find Selena. Maybe she'll be more fun." she yells after her. (DISCLAIMER: idk how tf segways work.) I press the on button and put my feet on the foot plate board thingy, before carefully maneuvering around the pole that I previously crashed into, and then speeding in the opposite direction to Kara.

As I drive past the dressing rooms, I notice that one of the doors is wide open. The lights are on, so I assume someone's in there. I hop off of the segway, and move quietly to the edge of the doorway, hoping to scare whoever is in the room. As I peek around the corner, I see someone with raven coloured hair - Lauren. And then, I notice something else, that surprises - and I must admit, excites me in more ways than one, if you know what I mean. 
"Fuck," I mumble. "I should not be watching this." But, being the perv that I am, I stay. And then, being the clumsy 3-year-old that I also am, I trip over, even though I'm stood completely still and there isn't actually any physical object for me to trip on.
"..Hello?" Lauren asks warily as I quickly and probably not very quietly stand up. I hear her scuffling over to the door, probably wearing the slippers we had our merchandise people get embroidered for everyone on tour with us. I race to my segway and hop on just as she pokes her head around the doorframe. "(Y/N)? What're you doing here?" she blushes furiously.
"Oh, uh," I say, feeling my cheeks also turn red. "Erm, I just, y'know.. got lost..? Um, yeah. I mean, it's a big place, y'know?"
"Oh, right." Lauren says, still blushing. "What- what was that noise though?"
"Oh, that was me. I uh- I fell off the segway, y'know, first time using one, that sort of thing."
"OK," she says. "Well, um, I need to, y'know, get ready for the show."
"Oh yeah," I say "See you at soundcheck."
"Bye, (Y/N)."
"Yeah," I say. "Bye."

"That wasn't awkward aaat all," I mutter to myself. Surely Lauren didn't believe my 'backstory'. She's definitely smarter than that.

Lauren's POV
So, my crush almost saw me naked. That would have been very awkward. And weird. I wonder what she was actually doing out there though - probably trying to prank someone (I've seen the Concept tour diaries, and honestly, I do not want to get in the way of (Y/N)'s pranks).

I couldn't be bothered to put effort into that last bit.
Oh, and the
(brackets like this) are still in the person's perspective, whereas (brackets like this) are me commenting on what I've written.

K bye.

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