Chapter 4

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(Y/N)'s POV
"Do Worth It!" Dinah says enthusiastically
"Alrighty then," I say "You guys ready?"
"Hold on one sec.." Meghan says, adjusting the strap on her bass "Ready." I click my drumsticks four times,  before Kara and Selena start slamming their guitars, Meghan picks up a steady rythm on her bass, and I start hammering the drumkit. All of the supporting acts cover their ears, surprised by the amount of noise coming through the speakers.
"Give it to me I'm worth it, baby I'm worth it. Uh huh I'm worth it - give it to me I'm worth it," Selena sings
"I tell her bring it back like she left some," I rap "Bring it bring it back like she left some. In the club with the lights off-"
"What is going on in here?" Kevin, our manager, comes in "Concept, you should not be playing with such vigor. (Y/N), you're supposed to be on vocal rest. Selena, you'll strain your voice. (Y/N), you'll ruin your sticks, and Kara, Meghan and Selena - you'll wreck your picks"
"Ugh," I say "Come oon, Kev. Please, just this once, can we do this one song?"
"No," he says "Not unless you play with less vigor, and you don't sing, (Y/N)."
"What's the point in having a rehearsal if we can't even play," Kara mutters as Kevin walks out.

"OK, everyone, gather 'round." Sarah, our choreographer says. "Me and the crew-"
"The crew and I," Lauren and I say at the same time
"The crew and I  are gonna show you singers the choreography. Concept; you already know what you're going to do. You can just watch, but if you want to, you can learn the choreography too."

The music starts - our first song, Sorry (originally by Justin Bieber)
"Aah," I say to Meghan "I remember recording this."
"And your drumstick broke, remember?"  she replies "
"Yeah," I chuckle "That was so long ago though. I mean, it's been almost eight years since we uploaded our first YouTube video."
"It's gone by so quickly," Selena joins in
"And now we're rehearsing for our 5th world tour," Kara says "I can't believe it."
"Ey," I say "Stop crying guys. It's only been eight years, as I said before. We can cry in two years."
"We're not crying," Meghan says indignantly
"Sure," I say, just as the music stops.
"Let's join in," Selena says "I wanna learn the choreo."

Half  an hour later, I've had enough.
"Uh," I say, flumping onto the ground "I don't know how you guys do this."
"Break time!" Selena says, and comes and sits next to me
"(Y/N), this is literally the simplest routine ever." Perrie points out
"And it's only been thirty minutes," Charlie says
"You go to the gym all the time," Kara says 
"And," Austin adds "You drum for, like, two hours when you do shows.
"What're you trying to say?" I groan
"That you should be able to dance for half an hour," Normani says
"You can't say anything," I say "You were robbed on DWTS by the way,"
"Aw, thanks!"
"Hup two three," Sarah claps with each word "Get up, we're going over it again."
"Ugh." I say "I hate exercise."
"We know," Jesy says
"Now, get up," Katy says
"Fiiineee," I whine, and the music starts. The choreography is pretty much like in the 'The Movement' video (the video on Justin Bieber's VEVO) , but everyone's doing the dance at once, instead of specific groups of people dancing to different parts of the song. The music is our original recording of the song (above - (Y/N) is singing Brad's bits, and playing the drums instead of Tristan. Selena does James' singing bits, and plays Brad's guitar bits, Kara plays James' guitar bits, and Meghan does Connor's parts).

"Ok, guys," Meghan says, standing on a chair to get everyone's attention. "Great job today with the dancing. Now though, we're gonna go to seperate rooms to rehearse choreography for our own stuff." I pull another chair to where Meghan's standing, and stand on it.
"Little Mix and Charlie - you're in Room A. Megan T. and Fifth Harmony - Room B, and Austin and Katy; you're in Room C. Then, after thirty minutes, Little Mix and Katy will move to Room D; Megan T, you're going to Room A, Austin will move to Room B. Everyone else, you just need to stay in the same room. Tomorrow, we'll be dancing for three hours, and then singing for three hours, and the days after, we're putting it all together."
"Tour starts in two weeks," Kara points out
"So, make sure to work your butts off." Selena adds
"Go!" I yell, starting the chaos of 16 people, plus choreographers and backup dancers, all trying to move all at once.

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