Chapter 3 - She's Gone

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Chapter 3 - She's Gone

Ross' POV

"Payton no!" I cried.

Everyone gasped and didn't know what to do.

I held Payton close to me and sobbed.

Doctors came rushing in to see if they could do anything.

I was shoved out of the way and against the wall.

I watched as the doctors zapped her with a machine.

My mom pulled me into a tight hug and cried with me.

Rebecca was wailing into dad's shoulder.

Riker was holding Ellie close to him.

"Uwncle Wiker what's happening to mama?" Ellie started to cry.

Riker hugged her tight and comforted her.

It really bothers me that Ellie doesn't understand what just happened.

The doctors all backed away from Payton with sad looks.

"We're sorry but we did what we could. I'm afraid we lost her," one of the doctors said looking


"Payton's dead? Payton's dead! Why is this happening to me! First we lost the baby and now I lost

Payton!" I yelled angrily.

"We are terribly sorry Mr. Lynch," another doctor sighed.

"Ugh!" I angrily yelled and punched the wall with both my fist.

I slid down the wall and curled myself into a ball.

I sat there and cried into my knees.

I blocked all that was happening in the room around me.

I felt something touch my shoulder and I looked up and saw Rebecca.

I pulled her into me and held her close.

"Daddy what happened to mommy?" Rebecca looked at me with sad eyes.

"Well," I croaked.

How exactly do you tell your kid that their mom is dead?

I started started crying again.

Rebecca laid her head on my shoulder and hugged me back.

"Don't ever leave me daddy," she whimpered.

"Don't worry princess. I'm not going anywhere," I sniffed.

"Me want dada," I heard Ellie demand.

She was squirming and kind of fussing.

Riker set her down and she wobbled over to me.

I pulled her into me with my other arms.

The three of us sat their in a family hug.

Well, almost family hug.

People from the hospital came in to take Payton's body.

I watched as they wheeled her bed out of the room.

I got up off the floor and gently tugged Rebecca and Ellie off of me.

Before anyone could say anything I dashed out of the hospital.

I ran to my car and quickly hopped in.

I jammed the keys into the ignition and started the car.

I drove off out of the parking lot.

I continued down the road.

I could hardly see through the tears that were threatening to spill over.

Even though I had no idea where I was going, I didn't stop driving.

I kept going for what felt like hours.

I finally stopped at my panic spot.

It was the water fall by the river.

There was a little spot behind the waterfall and it has always been my panic spot.

I hopped out of my car and ran.

I dashed behind the waterfall and plopped down on the rock.

I sat down and thought about all that just happened.

I just lost my wife.

The mother of my two children.

She's gone.

I'm never gonna see her again.

I lost my little boy too.

I never even got to meet him.

Little Derek never got to see the world.

I felt the tears spill over my face.

I watched as the water flowed down the waterfall.

It was soothing.

I remember when I took Payton here for the first time.

We would sit in this very spot and cuddle.

We've even spent nights here a couple of times.

Rebecca was even conceived back here.

I smirked at the memory and ran my hands back through my hair.

I still can't believe she's gone.

I'm never gonna see her again.

I'm never gonna hold her again.

I'm never gonna kiss her again.

I tugged at my hair and bursted at sobbing.

I curled up into a ball and hugged my knees close.

The love of my life, my everything, is gone.


Hey guys! I haven't updated this fanfic in forever! I'm so sorry! I just didn't get to writing any if this. This fanfic is very depressing right now but don't worry, it won't be sad for the whole thing. It's does get happy. Like Payton just died so its gonna be sad right now. I wanna try something new...

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I just wanna make sure people are reading this. I honestly don't know if anyone is and I just wanna see what you guys think. I love you all!

~Lily (@dibs_on_r5|ig)

Since You've Been Gone (A Ross Lynch/R5 fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now