Anna's Brothers/Close Encounters

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The next morning, Dad left for work at 7:25 AM. I waved as his truck drove away up the street. He honked once - bye - then the grey truck was gone. I was used to being home by myself in the morning for 30 or 40 minutes. School started at 9:15, which was pretty late for a high school, but it is what it is. Typically, Anna May showed up around 8 so we could get to school early or go grab breakfast somewhere. 

But today when she pulled up in her little grey Honda, there were two other people in the car. I slung my bag of school books over my shoulder as I exited my home and locked the front door. Anna rolled down her window as I turned to face her car again and she leaned out a little. "I had to give Jere and Eli a ride too. Hope you don't mind." She called as I walked to the passenger side door. I opened it, sit down, and shut the door again as she backs out. 

"Hey guys." I greet, backwards to the boys. Its a pretty absent 'hello' because 95% of my attention is focused on fitting my back comfortably between my right side and the door. Jeremiah doesn't answer, just stares out the window like someone awkwardly contemplating life in order to avoid human contact. Jeremiah is in the same grade as us, therefore as old as us, and acts far more responsible than Anna. Why she's the one to have a car and he's not is beyond me. 

"Hi Marinette." Eli responds. The only way I know it's his is because Jeremiah's voice is deeper. "Long time no see, kid." I add, looking back at Anna's brothers as we drive down the street. It really is true because I haven't seen Eli since last year. He had been in 6th grade when I had been in 8th, which means he must be 12 or 13 now that he's in 7th grade. Unsurprisingly, the brothers resemble Anna. Same straight black hair, before Anna dyed her's, and pale, fair skin. Deep blue eyes, too.

 "Yeah." Is all he says. Jeremiah stares silently out the window in the seat behind me. He's always been a quiet guy.

(A/N: About Jeremiah's age. If that was confusing that he's in the same grade as Anna May and Marinette, let me explain. If not, you can skip this part. He and Anna May are not twins. They are simply a few months apart and therefore the same age.)

Guess it runs in the family because Anna, her mother, and her father are all quiet people too. I want to say hi to Jeremiah, but my mind comes back to the statement Anna made when she said his best friend likes me, so I don't open my mouth. Something about the look on his face stops me also, and I turn around. 

~Time skip~

We drop Eli off at his middle school and leave after Anna and Jeremiah speak happily and briefly with one of our old teachers. I didn't have her - so it's a little awkward - but I stand there and smile anyway. 

After we get to our school, Anna parks the car. "Its such a perk when you turn 16 before everyone else." She says as we climb out of her car. I look at her quizzically when I shut my door. "You get to drive sooner..." She trails off, as if suddenly embarrassed. "It just means you get to die before everybody else, too. You're gonna be an old saggy grandma with-" "Jere! Shut up!"

Jere comes up behind us to join us as we begin the walk to homeroom, grinning at having successfully messed with his sister. "Hey Jere! Wait up!" A voice calls behind us. Anna looks over her shoulder, then back ahead. She bumps my shoulder with her's while a pair of feet catch up to us. It must mean Dylan. God, why him? Of all people? 

"Hey man, did you hear Simmons is gonna pick a fight with Ernst after school today so he can win some bucks from Jenner, right?" My thoughts proved correct as I recognized Dylan's voice. He sounded excited and hyper, as always. "Didn't know you were such a teenage girl, Skye. Gossiping like that might give people the wrong idea..." Jeremiah's joking voice trails away as I lose focus on them. 

I notice Randy leaning against the railing of the front steps a few feet away. The stairs we have to go up to get to homeroom. He looks like he's waiting. I don't like the nervous feeling I get in the pit of my stomach as he runs a hand through his dark hair. He always does that when he's nervous. 

"Anna, can we run to my locker real fast?" I ask her, my eyes not leaving Randy in case he sees us and decides to come over to attack. Good call. My locker is to the left of his first class, so if we go, he won't walk down there. Anna May shrugged. "Sure. Why not." She replies, and we race up the stairs on the opposite side of Randy, who still seems to be looking around for someone. "Bye Jere." Anna calls, adding, "Bye Dylan." Before we part ways with the boys. I guess it finally dawns on Dylan that we were in front of him. But too late, because I purposefully get lost in the crowd of high schoolers, along with Anna May. 

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