Movie Night

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Friday Night

We see a really good movie at the theater. Greyson literally speaks a total of three times during the entire thing, which is something because normally he can't sit still or be quiet for that long. Or so he says.

He was a real gentleman too. He paid for our bus fair and for movie tickets, and held doors open for me- and a few other people that thought it was for them, but Greyson didn't seem to mind. In return, I bought him a box of Junior Mints and a soda, for him to snack on after being so gallant. Maybe that was why he was so quiet...

We sat in the middle of the theater because we could see best from there and I handed him the chocolate candies. He asked if I was trying to hint that he had bad breath, to which I replied with a giggle and a 'no'. After the movie, we rode the bus to my stop and he walked me to my driveway. We talked and laughed the whole walk there. My porch light was still on when we reached the end of my driveway. That meant either Evie left it on or my Dad was waiting up for me. 

"I had fun." I said. "Me too. We should do it again." He Greyson replied. I nodded in agreement. He stared at me for about ten seconds before holding up his hand for a high-five. I almost snort when I laugh at the cheesy gesture. "You're such a kid." I tell him. "We're both still kids, technically." He pointed out teasingly. "And for your information, you just went on a great date with this 'kid'." God, he had wit. He had to in order to come up with those come backs so fast. 

I high-fived him with a smile. I feel like I've been smiling a lot lately. "We'll just start with this." Greyson explains. I nod and then turn and walk to my front door. I look back and he's still there, thumbs hooked inside his pockets as he waits for me to safely go inside my house. When he notices I've looked back, he gives a little surprised wave. I wave back as he chuckles silently. "Goodnight!" I call as I go in my house after unlocking it. "'Night!" Greyson calls back before walking away as I close and lock the front door. 

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