Bus Talk

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I hopped on the city bus as un-awkwardly as possible. The plan was to take the bus to the closest stop to school as possible. I dropped a dollar and 25 cents into the money slot before quickly stepping in the aisle and scanning for a seat. 

There. On my right and up four rows was an empty seat...beside some guy who looked my age. I went for it, sitting down just as the bus closed its doors and pulled away from the curb. How smart of me to have left Dad a note on the fridge that read -

Hey Dad, 

I'm going to the school football game. I'll be back before 9. 

Love Mari

Looking down at my black jeans and red and white converse, I hoped the game hadn't already started. My head-ache was more intense than ever, but I was still going. Good thing that my queasy stomach was feeling a little better. 

I had stuffed 5 dollars in my pocket, so I had money for some food and a ticket into the game. Hopefully I would be able to keep it down long enough for me to enjoy the game. I rubbed my forehead with my pointer and middle fingers. I was kind of happy that it wasn't my temples that hurt because that always sucks. 

The person beside me suddenly shifted and I felt something move under my thigh. It scared me, so I kind of jumped. Then I moved my leg a little and looked at the thing. It was a headphone cord. I switch my gaze uneasily to my seat companion. 

"Sorry." I say quietly, handing it back to him. "It's okay. And thanks by the way." It's definitely a guy. He's got wavy, pompadour-fade dirty-blonde hair. He wears a white t-shirt with short sleeves and maroon sweatpants. One earbud hangs out of his ear closest to me. 

"Um, sorry." I repeat again stupidly. "I didn't know I was sitting on your cord." He looks at it, grins, looks at me, then pulls the other headphone out of his ear and wraps them up around his phone and shoves it in his pocket. 

"Thanks. I didn't even notice, honestly." He informs me. What kind of person doesn't notice when they've only got one headphone in their ear? I offer a smile, but then my face returns to its normal blank look. I fidget in my seat and look around the bus. Can anything get more awkward? I don't know why, but the bus was more crowded than normal. 

Outside, the sun is halfway to setting. I think sunsets are pretty. Evie thinks so too, which is why I'm hesitant to tell that to people when she's around. I don't really want people saying that Evie and I are similar. As much as I love her, I don't want to be known by, "you guys are so alike!" or "Evie and Marinette have so much in common!"

"Have you ever heard of Elvis?" the guy asks randomly.

I glance sidelong at the guy beside me just to make sure he's talking to me. He is, and I know because he's looking at me with a patient look on his face. Elvis? Like, Elvis Presley? What kind of question is that?

"Um, like, Elvis Presley, Elvis?" I quiz. The guy nods. "I've heard his name mentioned before. Didn't he sing? King of Rock n' Roll?" I continued, diving further into the conversation I'm having with a male stranger after 9 on a Friday night while I'm headed unsupervised to a football game. God, I'm stupid. He opens his mouth to say something, but I interrupt rudely. 

"Hey listen. I'm super sorry, but I shouldn't even be talking to you. You're a stranger." I tell him quickly. He pauses at that, but presses his lips together. "I guess you have a point. But we could get to know each other if you want." He offers understandingly. Geez, this guy can't take a hint. 

But it's my turn to hesitate. He doesn't seem like a bad person, but what if its a cover? 

You know what? Why not. 

I shrug in response. "I'm Greyson." The guy introduces himself, offering a hand to shake. My gaze flickers down to it, then up to his eyes. They're a startling electric blue. He could almost pass for one of Anna's brothers, except he has tanner skin. "Don't worry. I wash my hands regularly." He says with a wink. 

Good lord, did he just make a dirty reference? If he did, Greyson better wash his hands and his mind. That's really gross. 

"My name's Marinette." I reply. I shake his hand, trying not to be awkward. Then I pull my hand away. "You know, your hand is like an Ice cube." Greyson tells me, placing his hand in his lap. I give a single involuntary exhale of a laugh. "Well nice to meet you too." I say. "But yeah, you're right. My hands are always cold though." I add. Greyson nods in understanding. 

"What kind of music do you listen to?" He questions. "It depends, I guess. Maria Mena for one. And Fall Out Boy, I really love that band. Also Panic at the Disco, Twenty-One Pilots and Billy Joel." I say after a few silent moments of contemplating as the bus rolled along. "See, I didn't really take you for a Fall Out Boy or Panic at the Disco girl. But I've heard Twenty-One Pilots. I think Maria Mena's songs are depressing." Greyson tells me honestly. Man, lots of disses in there. Even if it IS honesty, I still like her music. It takes me a second to push down the sudden anger striking up in my chest. I nod one - slowly. 

"Billy Joel has good music though." He changed the subject. Or tries to at least. Surprisingly, it works. "Yeah, I learned how to play 'Piano Man' on the keyboard." I hesitantly admit. Not a lot of people know I played the piano and keyboard. "Oh wow. Really?" Greyson sounds interested. I nod and smile without showing my teeth.

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