Hospital Girl (Part 1)

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Genres: Teen Fiction/Humor (yupp, I'm branching out and attempting to write humor....bear with me please!)

Blurb:  Macy’s always been strange in her family of mathematicians and rocket scientists.  So, her parents have always jokingly threatened to send her back to the hospital and ask for their real daughter.  What happens when they just might actually act on their promise?


Okie doke, here is part 1!!!!!!  (to be continued... erm later when I write the rest...?)


Great.  Another ‘D’ on my math test.  Whoo-hoo.  Now, how am I going to tell Mom?  The same mom who can do calculus in her sleep?  Um, yeah.  Slight issue.

I could tell Dad…but he sort of has an anger management problem.  Perhaps the best option would just be to hide the test until the last second.  Why break news that doesn’t have to be broken quite yet, right?

Walking up the dreary whitewashed steps to my dreary brown front door attached to a dreary red brick house with a dreary tin roof, the paper was snatched from my grip as soon as I entered the room.

“Gosh-darn-it, Gavin!  Give that back!” I shouted after my little brother the chemistry prodigy, dropping my school bag on the floor and chasing him off into a deeper part of our not-so-homely abode.

“Ooooo, MOM!  Macy got a ‘D’ on her Geometry test!” he screeched in an irritatingly high timbre.

“Shut-UP!” I screeched right back as he ran up the stairs and slammed my parents’ bedroom door in my face.  Jiggling the handle, I heard a click as the lock was set into place and a young soon-to-be-pulverized boy snigger.

Grunting in surrender, I grabbed my bag again and set off towards my own personal dwelling, a.k.a.: my room.  My safe haven is the only place in our entire house with a speck of creativity in it.  The walls aren’t white and the floors aren’t brown and wooden.  After much arguing, Mom finally gave up on me and said I could do whatever I wanted with my room.  So, I did just that.

The lime green walls were covered in an array of neon-colored paint splatters; the floors were an astonishing orange carpet and my bed had the exact look that seemed to say a rainbow threw up on it.  Some, okay MOST, would say I’m either color blind or have no sense of coordination, but I say it’s just my style.  And my nice little way of rebelling against a family of geeks.  (And I do not use the term geek lightly.  It is a stronger adjective than nerd, JUST SAYING.)

Just as I began to pull my sketch pad out of my bag to try and relieve the headache my annoyingly intelligent family set upon me, my mom threw open the door, my test in her hand.

“Macy...” she began.

“I know, I know,” I grumbled before she could go on.

“Why do you keep getting grades like this?”

“I don’t know, Mom,” I sighed.  “I’m just not good at math.”

“You really aren’t my daughter, are you?” she replied with a small smile on her lips as she joked.  “I think the hospital definitely mixed up two girls.” The familiar line caused my thin grin to waver.  It got tiring being constantly told you were different and that it must have been a mistake that you are the way you are.

“Just try harder next time, sweetie,” Mom said as she walked out of my room, the sight of such a bright range of colors probably ready to drive her blind.

“I am,” I whispered after the door closed.  Whipping out my pencils, I jabbed the thin paper with the dull tips, sketching out a cartoon stork caring a baby me and dropping it off at a house full of artists.  That was where I should be.  That was where I belonged.


Mother/daughter conflict!!!! Well, more like family/Macy conflict. :) So, how was my first attempt at humor just about EVER? :) hehehehe, i know I got LOTS of room to improve but I just thought it'd be fun to try.... :D

COMMENT and tell me what you think's gonna happen next, thing I can improve and anything else! Randomness is appreciated as well!!!!!

 (o)> <Quack!)


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