Chapter Seven: Element

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"Years in the makin', and don't y'all mistake it

I got 'em by a landslide, we talkin' about races

You know this'll never be a tie, just look at their laces

You know careers take off, just gotta be patient

Mr. One through Five, that's the only logic

Fake my death, go to Cuba, that's the only option."

-Element (Kendrick Lamar)


"Fuck...Rosalind quit playing with my dick!" I brushed her hand away from my penis, but her hand swept over it once more.

"Cтоп," I warned her.

She pouted her small lips at me, in the same motion she burrowed her face into my neck placing light kisses against my skin.

I gave up trying to reprimand her for the millionth time and just let her have her way with me.

I truly believe this woman is a sex addict.

Every time she comes over, I know it's going to be a while before I leave the bedroom.

"Oh, come on Alexei, I know you like it, baby." She whispered in my ear as her hands continued stroking up and down my shaft.

I grunted a response.

Yeah, she was right I liked it.

Fucking slut, knew exactly what to do to turn me on.

It sure beats sitting around waiting for my stupid arm to heal from that damn bullet wound I caught a couple of days ago. When Dr. Kae sent some of the nurses to come and clean up my wounds, I sent them away and requested that she sent her pussy ass up here herself.

In those exact words.

She finally decided to grace me with her presence, that same afternoon. She was wearing a light blue blouse, so tight her chest nearly threatened to burst out at any moment. Blue jeans accompanied her and gripped onto her shapely ass so much that I couldn't focus on anything she was telling me.

Something about eating vegetables or some shit.

Before she left I made sure to leave her a nice sweet message.

"When I call for you, you come."

She gave me a blank stare and walked out, taking her medical gear with her on the way.

Something about pushing her buttons gave me an odd sense of satisfaction.

Or that could be Rosalind finishing me off.

"Shit!" I threw my head back just as I released myself, Rosalind was quick to perch her lips against my shaft and suck up the reaming semen that escaped me. I took a deep breath as I relaxed back onto the bed, grabbing a cigar I failed to finish a couple of hours and relit it.

As soon as I felt the smoke touch my lungs, I relaxed further.

"How was that, baby?" Rosalind muttered against me.

I grunted letting out a cloud of smoke in the process, I slightly glanced over her naked body covered in bruises and hickeys, then towards her hair. It looked like a bird took a crap in it, it was tousled and all over the place.

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