Chapter Twenty-Seven: Who Can I Run To?

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"As I stand here contemplating
On the right thing to decide
Will I take the wrong direction
All my life, where will I go
What lies ahead of me?

Who can I run to
To share this empty space?
Who can I run to
When I need love?
Who can I run to
To fill this empty space with laughter?
Who can I run to
When I need love?"

-Xscape (Who Can I Run To?)


"Okay everyone tonight, seafood medley!" Anastasia cheered as she walked into the room with the plates of the dinner she prepared for everyone this evening. Milena clapped cheerfully and nudged Dr. Kae lightly, "You're favorite." She whispered to her. I watched as Dr. Kae smiled as the plate was set in front of her. Anastasia went back into the kitchen to grab the remaining plates and I sat there watching her with steady eyes. How could she be so content knowing what she did? Was this her game all along?

I can't believe I trusted her.

The evidence was there and now it was a matter of what I was going to do with the information collected. My brother had failed to find the mole because the mole was sitting right in front of our faces.

Dr. Kae.

I continued watching her, an odd sense of calmness radiating through me now that I had caught the virus that had been circulating around the clan for the longest now. How could I not connect the dots? Whenever these attacks happened she was always there. I didn't want to believe it at first, but Mitya—one of my associates had come to me with news that the doctor was the potential mole. He said if I didn't believe him to just check her bedroom and office.

Of course, I went in there myself to see if they were bullshitting me, but I found it. The incriminating evidence... earpieces, surveillance equipment hidden under the mattress, some behind dressers. I couldn't believe it. I really couldn't.

I had given her my trust, the ultimate symbol of trust through that chain.

And she does this.

The anger I felt was so wild and uncontrollable I wondered how I was so calm sitting at the table with her, watching her every move piecing together how easily she infiltrated us without us even knowing. I couldn't lie she did her job as a spy really well, actually having surgeon skills to fool us all was an impressive touch to the usual mole archetype.

But why go through all the trouble? Who exactly was she working for?

"This is so good!" Kae smiled as she continued eating her meal without a care in the world.

She had befriended my sister, unbeknownst to her she was taking notes.

I felt sick just thinking about it.

Anastasia placed the seafood in front of me and patted my shoulder, "Enjoy." She stated.

I didn't even look at her, my gaze stayed completely on the bitch.

Milena whispered something to Kae and she giggled slightly, they both seemed to be having a grand time with each other. I laughed to myself.

Not for long.

Milena looked up at me, her chewing slowed once she noticed the intense gaze I had planted on Dr. Kae. She furrowed her brow, "Alexei, what's wrong with you...the food is here, eat!" She exclaimed.

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