Chapter Thirty: Snowqueen Of Texas

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"Snowqueen of Texas
Left Paris in a cloud of smoke.
They say that she may be beaten,
But I know that she's not broke.
She's living in a cool green farmhouse;
If you go to Houston,
Be quiet as a mouse.

Met a man in Beirut
Having her name tattooed on his arm.
(Ooh, a Deborah forever)
Boots of Spanish leather, I never meant you any harm.
I'm on my knees, your majesty;
Snowqueen, save a cold kiss of me."

-The Mama And The Papas (Snowqueen of Texas)


I spent two solid weeks or possibly more in my apartment never leaving to go out. I stayed in my pajamas and I roamed around having snacks and pretty much sleeping all the time. Me and my doppelgänger were having so much fun, I never wanted to leave or go outside. I didn't need to, everything I desired was inside here in the comfort of my room, under the sheets, shades drawn, and more.

Today was going to be the same. My stomach was going to growl and I was going to get up and shuffle my feet to the kitchen where I would grab a few more bags of chips and cookies before walking back to my room to devour it all, then I would fall back asleep and do it again.

My eyes were still shut basking in the safety I felt not having to step out of my house and do something. Doing nothing was okay. Doing nothing meant that I could be with my best friend all day. She got sad when I didn't spend time with her, I had to do my best to not let her down. If she left me, I don't know what I would do. She saved me that day, I owed it to her to be there for her.

I shifted my position in bed, turning over slightly my eyes opening just slightly. The curtains were still drawn so the room was pretty dark for the most part, only a small stretch of light came through the top that indicated to me that it was morning outside; otherwise I would have no idea. I don't check my phone and such for the time and it didn't even matter because I wasn't going anywhere anyway. 

"Hey Kae!" A hand poked me.

"Hm?" I didn't bother opening my eye if it was my best friend she knew she could always climb in the bed beside me. We always took naps together.

"Hey, silly wake up!" The hand poked me once more.

"Go to sleep, we have all day," I muttered to her.

"You're so funny Kae...the day just started, we're getting out of this apartment!" That didn't sound like my best friend. She sounded jumpy, way too happy, overtly-excited.

I peered one of my eyes open to see that it was, in fact, a different person.

Her lips parted into a super-wide smile as she gazed at me. "Morning sunshine! We got so much to achieve today. But first, you need to take a shower, you're quite smelly!" She clapped happily.

I continued to look at this woman. Who was she? She was dressed like she was auditioning to be a Disney princess at one of the park locations. I rolled my eyes and closed them back again ignoring her.

"Don't talk about my smell when you look like a fucking clown doll," I said to her.

She giggled hysterically. "I can change if you like." I heard shuffling and I opened my eyes to see what she was doing. I watched as she changed into a club-style dress, she let her hair out of those stupid pigtails and she sported some very high heels. She twirled around multiple times, she still had that over the top personality despite wearing a much more mature dress. "What do you think?" She asked me.

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