Chapter 4 - Cameron

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I wish I could say I had the best sex of my life that night.

But I can't.

Not because it wasn't the best sex but because Avery and I didn't have sex at all.

On that note, if for a second you thought that Avery and I did have sex and it just wasn't good, this is where our friendship would end.

Just saying.

Anyways, I can't help but zone out and replay the night's events in my mind as I share a beer with the boys after Jaxon's win against Liam Cooper. The guys all talk animatedly about how Jaxon kicked ass, which I would proudly agree with, and his girl, Emily, beams up at him with a smile so palpably full of love my heart sort of wretches at the sight of it. The look she's giving him is what caused my mind to wander back to Avery, something I've frequently found myself doing since the last time I saw her two weeks ago.

After we left the bar and the escapades that followed in the parking lot, we drove to her place. The car ride consisted of more of our banter about music, boxing, therapy, and everything in between. Truthfully, I could've drove all around Boston with her if it meant it would be just the two of us as we talked and laughed with an obvious vibe I've never shared with anyone else. Despite us returning to her home to have sex, I found myself oddly disappointed when the car ride was over. I really was having a great time. I almost didn't even ponder on the sex that would come. Almost. Like me, Avery was a witty one when it came to innuendos and that was yet another character characteristic to add on the list of similarities we shared.

When we got to her apartment, a cozy two-bedroom with an open kitchen, she immediately offered me a drink. We didn't have more than one drink while we were at the bar so I'd said yes. My buzz had long since faded during my time bickering with Avery. I could use the little boost.

I made myself comfortable on the couch while Avery kicked off her heels then proceeded to pour some red wine into two glasses. I eyed the fancy drink while I shrugged off my jacket and placed it on the armrest of the love-seat couch.

"Nice drink choice." I commented. That earned me a wink in return.

"I don't use it often, hermoso. They're for certain occasions only."

"I feel special. I'm a certain occasion."

She laughed as she made her way over to me with our drinks in one hand and the bottle in the other. She sat down so that we were thigh to thigh and handed me my drink. I thanked her through my suddenly lax tongue because, damn, her proximity was doing crazy things to my insides.

"I have a feeling you'll be more than just a certain occasion." She said huskily, threading her fingers through my hair.

"What will I be?" I asked in an equally rough voice. The way she played with my hair felt fucking amazing.

"Hopefully a frequent occasion."

"I concur." I clinked my glass against hers and we threw our drinks back.

She raised up slightly on one leg so she could reach for the glass table in front of us where the bottle stood. As she refilled our glasses, I couldn't help but eye that round ass. I mean, it was right there. I had to physically curl my fingers deep into my palm to keep myself from splaying my hands all over her.

Her soft chuckle drew my eyes upward to where she watched me over her shoulder. Busted. One of her brows went up when all I offered was an apologetic shrug.

"Done observing?" She grinned at me as she sat back down.

"I already observed plenty. How else could I have came up with sweet cheeks?" I slid her a sideways look. "I was just remembering your comment about how I could do more than look."

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