Bright light passes over my closed eyelids and I flinch in my sleep, coming to. The haze gradually clears and I stretch out my sore limbs with a loud yawn. Strands of hair tickle my chin and the underside of my jaw and I feel a lazy smile stretch my face. On their own accord, my hands seek out the hair that seems to fan all over my chest and I run my fingers through it until I reach the scalp. I start massaging and chuckle under my breath at the answering groan of pleasure.
"Good morning, my love." I whisper in Avery's ear.
"It really is." She hums a little tune that only makes me laugh more. When she rolls over so that she's lying completely on top of me I wrap my arms around her waist in a hug, so freaking content that I get to hold her and love her the way I want to.
"How'd you sleep?" I ask, kissing the top of her head.
"Better than ever. I swear you're the comfiest pillow on the planet."
"You lie, woman." I poke her ribs. "I'm made of steel."
"But you're so fucking cuddly it's like I can sink into you."
"Yeah?" I roll us over and she squeals. "How about I sink into you?"
"Yes, please." She breathes.
She spreads her legs underneath me and I enter her with one swift thrust. God, I love that she's already so wet for me. I love that my presence alone has that affect on her.
"Hell, yeah." I grunt. "I so didn't dream how good this feels."
She locks her legs at my torso, arms going around my neck. "This is real, Hermoso. You and I."
"You feel like a dream. You feel too good to be true." I sigh and lean down to capture her lips. She kisses me back feverishly, moaning into my mouth as my thrusts pick up pace.
Her nails dig into my back when I hit that same spot that drove her out of her mind last night. After our first round, we were in and out of sleep and reaching for each other in the dark with the consuming desire to join bodies over and over. After three more times, each position more heavenly than the next, we were finally too spent to go again and collapsed again each other in deep sleep. Now, being inside of her yet again, I can't ever fathom becoming used to this. Everything about being intimate with Avery is unlike anything I've ever known. My past sexual encounters were all the same; get in, do my thing, get out. For me sex was just an act that I'd become so accustomed to that I performed it like a damn robot. It didn't do anything for me except sate my carnal desires. It's as if a part of me was completely hollow and immune to feeling anything on such an intimate level.
Imagine my surprise when it felt like a dam had burst in my chest the second Avery sunk down on me and filled every inch of that hollow space.
I swear I couldn't breathe with how overwhelmed I felt full of emotions I didn't know I was capable of. Not only did that space fill me up but it overflowed. Every last vein in my body was full of love for the incredible woman who showed me what it's like to be loved, just as she promised me. I wasn't used to the people in my life keeping their promises. The way Avery treated me last night, hell — the way she's treated me since the moment we met — the humanity and integrity that she gives me, makes me feel like an actual person. It makes me feel like I have worth and value and that is something I can't ever hope to repay but will damn well spend the rest of my life trying to. I'd bawled like a fucking baby after the most mind-blowing sex I've ever had but even then she understood. Because that's what she does. She listens, she understands, and she gives me what I need. She gives, not takes. And that is a luxury so many people don't realize they have, a luxury that I recognize and cherish the fuck out of.

Path To Retaliation (Fighter's Den, #2)
Romance*Warning: LABELLED MATURE. Due to sexual content and graphic language, this book is recommended for readers 17+ in age* *CANNOT be read without reading prior novels in series* Under-the-radar boxer Cameron West loves to get through life in a series...