Chapter 34 - Avery

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"Move out of the way, dickwad!" I elbow the body that bumps into me without sparing a glance and zing down the hallway, holding tightly onto the wheelchair Emily is seated in.

"Aves!" She looks over her shoulder at me with wide eyes. "Of all the people to say that to!"

"What?" I ask in confusion and halt. I look back at who I nearly body-checked and just about choke on my spit. The sweet, old man stares back at me with disappointment in his eyes and a little sadness. I'm a fucking monster. "Oh my God. I'm so sorry, sir. My best friend is in labour and I wasn't thinking."

"That's fine." He grumbles. "You're just looking out for her, I guess."

He's letting me off the hook. That makes me feel even worse.

"Uh, tell you what?" I hastily pull out a ten dollar bill from my pocket and offer it to him. "Buy a drink. On me. Coffee, juice, an 'I forgive you' potion, anything."

That gets a chuckle out of him and I smile in response. "Thanks, honey. It's alright, though. Really."

"You are so cute." I gush. "Keep it. I insist!"

I take off running again without waiting for his reply. Emily lets out another scream and grips the armrest of the wheelchair so hard I think she might just bend the metal. Her contractions are super close now. "Almost there, babe. Hang on."

"I can't believe you called that old man a dickwad." She laughs through another groan. I think she's trying to keep herself distracted so I go with it.

"Hey, I made it up to him alright? He found me charming once I apologized."

"How did you not see him? He smiled at the both of us when we passed by."

"I can't run and be aware of my surroundings. Be serious, Em. Cardio is not my thing. This is hard work."

"Gee, you must be in a lot of pain." Her sarcasm doesn't escape me and I wince.

"Sorry, Mama. You're doing great. Just keep breathing like your doc showed you. Baby Daddy will be here soon enough."

"Stop calling him that." She bursts out laughing and my grin is immediate. Mission accomplished. "He's my husband now. He hates that you won't verbally acknowledge that."

"Which is exactly why I do it." I chirp and round a sharp corner. "We're here!"

"Oh, thank — ahhhhhh!"

And because I'm a total bitch, I respond with, "You're welc — ahhhhhh!"

"Shut up, Avery!"

I allow myself to cackle for a solid ten seconds before sobering up. "I'm sorry. You're a strong woman and I love you. You got this."

"Wait until it's your turn. You won't be laughing then." She huffs as I help her out of the wheelchair. She waddles to the hospital bed with a groan and flops down on it. I gather all the pillows in the room and settle them against the head of the bed then help Emily lean back against them.

"Probably not but the thought of having Cameron's babies makes me giddy." I smile broadly, elevating her legs so that her feet are flat on the bed and her knees in the air.

"Yeah?" She eyes me with a small smile of her own. "Is that the plan?"

"We talked about it. It's something we both want one day."

"That's great, babe. You two are going to make some outrageously gorgeous children."

"Thanks, Mama. Now let's get you ready to have an outrageously gorgeous son of your own."

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