Chapter 8 - Cameron

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I swing open the door and swagger inside Fighter's Den, the place I consider my ultimate safe haven. Or did. It might have competition now, though, and it comes in the form of a sexy as hell and witty Latina. A grin splits my face and it doesn't escape my notice that I'm way too happy for a nine a.m. on Sunday.

Instead of the silence I was expecting, I hear distinct sounds of a rattling punching bag and know what I'm going to see before I even see it. Sure enough, I immediately spy my best friend ruthlessly jabbing the object like it's his worst enemy. I can only shake my head. Even on a supposed day off would Jaxon Cage fight like he's in a UFC match. It's one of the many things I admire about him and something we've greatly connected over during our time as friends. I may have been doing this for a hell of a lot more years than him but the guy can kick some major ass.

"Hey, beautiful." I chirp and Jaxon immediately flinches, missing his next jab horrifically. He turns to me with an agitated glare.

"Why can't you ever greet me normally?"

"I take offence from that. You've just implied that I'm normal."

"My bad." He scoffs then eyes me as I make my way towards the locker room. "Are you...whistling?"

I stop in my tracks for a second when I notice he's right. "Huh. Guess I am."

"May I ask why you're even happier than usual?"

"Looks like I'm not the only one. I think you just used your manners for the first time."

"Fuck off." He grumbles, throwing his towel at me. I dodge it with a disgusted yelp that draws a snicker out of him. My brows go up.

"Manners and laughter? I think you need to start talking first."

"Asshole." His lips twitch and he resumes his calculated punches. I wait silently, knowing he's going to break if I keep standing here and silently grill him. I also know that he trusts me enough to tell me whatever's eating at him inside. Jaxon just has a process. It takes him a while to push away the initial response of closing up and reminding himself he's not going to burned. He's never voiced this, of course, but he's my best friend for a reason. I know him.

After a few minutes of patient waiting, he grabs the swaying punching bag to still it and looks at the ground.

"I told Emily I love her."

I feel surprise change my features. To anyone else that might be a normal step in a relationship. But for Jaxon? It's a hell of a lot more complicated than that. The only person he truly voices his affection for is his daughter. He's not the type of man to admit to his feelings because he's so busy pretending he doesn't have any. This changes everything. I know that as well as he does.

"And? How'd that go?"

"I can't believe my dumb ass waited so long to do it." He shakes his head and turns to me with possibly the biggest smile I've seen on his face. The action immediately softens his cold and hard-cut features. "I had no idea it could feel like this. It's like, I don't know, everything in my life has clicked in place and I know exactly what my purpose to live is for. Her."

"That's some deep shit."

"It's fucking amazing, that's what it is. You should try it."

"Maybe." I turn around before he has the chance to see the smile I try not to let slip through. But the perceptive fucker catches it.

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