One month later...
I can't believe I'm back.
I really can't believe I'm back.
But as I look around me, standing in the middle of Emily and Jaxon's huge backyard that is easily the size of my whole apartment, I try to make sense of the fact that I'm back. Living in England created this bubble around me where I could be whoever I wanted, where there was no past connecting me to my present, and where I was free to do what I want. Being back in Boston meant dealing with the fact that my father was released from prison a week ago and that I had to face Cameron again. That happy and carefree bubble I was living in had just burst and I was feeling the reality of it all. Right there, in the heart of my chest.
It's too early to be drinking but I take down my glass of wine in one gulp. It's not much but it'll have to do. Nerves are eating away at me and I can't think past the pounding in my ears. I puff up my cheeks then blow out a long breath. I can do this. If I can kick ass in one of the best international psychiatric programs and become certified then I can confront anything, right?
A hand on my shoulder has me yelping and turning around lightening fast.
"Jesus!" Emily slaps a hand to her chest. "Don't scare me like that, Aves! You're going to freak the baby out, too."
"Sorry." I cringe. "I thought you were..."
Her eyes soften with understanding. "He's not here yet. You don't need to worry, though. You've got this. You've been talking through letters for the past month anyways so it's a great way to ease into seeing each other face to face."
"I know." She's making total sense. "I know. But my heart didn't seem to get the memo."
"It'll be fine. Just take your mind off it until you actually have to worry about it."
"How can I possibly think of anything else right now?"
"Because it's my baby shower!" Emily juts her belly out for emphasis. It's not overtly huge yet but she's definitely noticeably pregnant. "He's been kicking these past couple of days. Wanna feel?"
"Of course!" I set my glass down on the table full of snacks and drinks and place my now-free hands on her stomach. "Hey there, niño. Come say hi to your Tia Avery."
I rub her belly softly for a few seconds before I feel it. The slightest bit of pressure underneath my palm, like a wave passing by or a bunch of flutters floating to the surface. I gasp lightly and look up at Em, tears gathering in my eyes. "Did he just kick?"
"Yeah." She nods her head, laughing through tears of her own. "He likes you."
"Well, I love him. I'm gonna spoil the crap out of you." I squat and place my weight on my toes so I'm level with her tummy, placing a quick kiss.
"Maybe not use the word crap, though?" She suggests, amusement colouring her tone.
"Sorry. Doo-doo?"
"Beats me. I'm more concerned about Jaxon's potty mouth than anything."
"He curses like a sailor." I agree, rising up to stand again.
My peripheral vision catches sight of a figure walking towards us and my eyes dart to look over Emily's shoulder, heart leaping. It calms down almost immediately when I realize it's just Delilah. God, my nerves are are all over the place.
"Long time no see, Del." My words cause Emily to turn around.
"Del! Took you long enough to come downstairs." Emily hugs her as soon as she's in arm's length.

Path To Retaliation (Fighter's Den, #2)
Storie d'amore*Warning: LABELLED MATURE. Due to sexual content and graphic language, this book is recommended for readers 17+ in age* *CANNOT be read without reading prior novels in series* Under-the-radar boxer Cameron West loves to get through life in a series...