Chapter Eighteen.

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If it works the photo is your last look at Jenny.

Jenny breezed into work a half an hour late, her friend Chrissy gave her a pointed look as she hurried behind the counter.

"What happened? You're never late."

"Something came up, I'll make it up to you."

"Can you close for me?" Chrissy asked.

"Of course."

Stripping off her jacket as she moved the sign in front of her instructing people to the next teller, she opened a bottle of water and quickly downed the morning after pill just as an older lady approached the counter.

"Good morning ma'am, how may I help you?" Jenny asked.

"I need a withdraw," The older woman said.

"Of course, can I see ID and your bank card please?"

The lady smiled as she began digging in her large carpet bag, near the door Jenny caught a glimpse of a man in a dark suit, wearing dark shades. Her heart skipped a beat and a bit of fear sliced down her spine. Was he there for her? We he going to kidnap her? She pushed the thoughts away. The bank was busy and it was the middle of the day. He couldn't do anything with all these witnesses, for now she was safe.

The day passed in a hurried blue, more than a few times she would catch a glimpse of man in a suit. Always standing near the door but not approaching her.

The bank was tall, well over seven stories and old, the front half was glass but near the vaults and behind where the tellers stood were floor to ceiling wrought iron bars. While they once made Jenny feel safe from robbers they now only left her feeling trapped as she continued her day.

As she locked the large front doors and waved at Chrissy she pulled her phone from her pocket, sending a quick text to Sky and telling him she was done for the day.

She turned walking across the room, her heels clicking against the marble floors. Everyone else had gone for the day all that was left was to lock the vault, count the monies in the registers and turn off the lights.

She slipped out of her shoes as she stepped once again behind the counter, her feet were aching and all she wanted was a hot meal, hot bath and warm bed. Without permission images of Sky slithered into her brain, he could warm her bed for her. She shook her head and slammed the drawer closed that she had finished counting.

She had just moved on to counting the money in the second drawer when a loud crash and shattering glass interrupted her. She let out a scream and ducked behind the counter as the tall front door shattered inward.

She ducked behind the desk just as three men stormed into the building, they had on ski masks and were yelling back and forth as they advanced on where she was hiding. She forced herself to remain quiet and stay down.

She never was lucky and now was no exception, one of them ambled across the counter landing just inches away from her. Jenny fell back onto her bottom, scrambling away.

"I got her!" He yelled to his friends.

He reached out, catching Jenny roughly by the arm and wrenching her to her feet. Pain shot from where he gripped her arm to her shoulder as she stumbled to her feet. The other two hurried to join him.

"No! Get back! Get away!" She screamed.

His grip moved from her arm to grab a handful of her hair, right near her scalp. Her hands flew to his wrist as he dragged her towards the back of the bank the other two following him.

Touching Sky *Animals MC book five.*Where stories live. Discover now