Requested by:kyliee_0806 PiNKster31 DeadGirl54
"Bu-Budo?" The black-haired boy called in barely a whisper. Taro, who was whimpering and covered in blood, managed to arrive at the club's door, barely even hanging on.
"Taro! Taro, what happened?! Why are you covered in blood?!" Budo ran over to Taro, setting Taro's arms on his shoulder as he desperately tried to help him up. After a moment, he managed to place Taro on the floor comfortably.
"I... I killed someone." Taro whispered, leaving Budo in disbelief. Budo's eyes widened as he stared at Taro.
"Ta-Taro... Why?" Budo asked, slowly shaking his head disapprovingly. Taro snickered before standing up.
"Because she killed them."
"Them?" He asked. Taro nodded, staring off to space as he stated them all.
"Osana, Amai, Kizana, Oka, Asu, Ms. Kina, Ms. Rana, Osoro, Ha-Hanako, and Megami. She killed them... all." Suddenly, Budo hugged Taro, slowly tightening it by second.
"I'm sorry... I couldn't stop the culprit for killing them and now---!" Taro hushed him.
"No... it's all over now." He said, before staring away to space again. There was a moment of silence, before Budo,
"Taro... I have a confession." Budo told him, before blushing and looking away.
"Hmm? What is it?" Taro looked at Budo, his eyebrow rising up. (A/N: I made it so that they forgot about the killing, haha.)
"I... I actually like... No! I love you, but, after all the girls who were after you, I didn't think you were... gay! Well... now that's of my chest." Budo said, stammering a little. Taro stared at him, before smiling and nodding his head.
"I am glad you feel the same." He said, slowly approaching Budo's face as they blushed. Seconds later, their lips met.
After their moment, Budo smiled cheerfully and said, "Now that that's done, let's get rid of the evidences, shall we?" Budo thumbs-upped, Taro smiling as he nodded.
"Hai. (Yes.)"
Word Count: 307 words.
(A/N: I tried making Taro a kuudere since he KILLED someone (Ayano) soooo... Yeah! And, THIS IS SO CRRINGGYYYYY! I hate it! But I have no choice since I haven't published anything in a while sooooo.... ANYWAYYY, thanks for reading, buh-bye!)

Yandere Simulator One-Shots
FanfictionComment or contact me via private message to request your favourite Yandere Simulator ship in this one-shot book! Enjoy! The characters, the scenery, and the game belongs to Yandere Dev. The stories belong to me. You may not reproduce, replicate, or...