Chapter 1: Absent friends.

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Dick sits in a dark apartment; four computer screens are the only light. On one screen is a map of the arctic. The second has an image of Happy Harbor. Next to that one is a screen with a flat line wavelength on it, the top corner reading 'Kid Flash Frequency.' The last screen has a photo of Aqualad, Kid Flash, Speedy, Superboy, and himself on it.
"One month has passed and still I can't seem to find you Wally. Artemis is doing ok- jumped right back into the hole hero deal," he says, looking over at the screen with the photo on it.
Out of nowhere, the silence in the room is broken by the huge sound of static. Nightwing's eyes go huge when he looks at the screen with the frequencies on it. The needle is spiking like crazy.
A month had passed since the death of Wally West, aka Kid Flash. Dick Grayson aka Nightwing had left the team and was now working on his own once again in the city of Blüdhaven. The whole time something about the death of his friend did not sit right with him.
Across the town, Tigress is running down the street chasing after some thug. Right when she is about to tackle him, there is a flash of white light and a blue vortex opens in front of her for a split second. She is overwhelmed by the feeling of love.
Back at Dick's apartment he sits in front of the computer in shock. Then out of the static he hears Wally voice "Dick I am not dead I am trying to come back." Before Dick could answer back the static was gone and the room was silent again. "Well that was whelming. " Dick says.
An hour later Artemis Crook aka Tigress was standing outside Dick's apartment door.
"Come on girl all you gotta do is knock, after all he was your teammate too." She says to herself. Slowly her right hand moves up and lightly knocks on the door.
"Guess he isn't home....." she muses until the door swings open and Dick Grayson is standing there smiling at her.
"I had a funny feeling you were going to show up at my door soon." He says.
"Something strange happen?" Artemis replies.
He nods and steps out of the door way, signaling for her to come on in. Artemis walks in and sees a typical bachelor pad in every sense of the phrase. The place was trashed. Clothes and old wrappers were strewn all over the place. By the look of things, he had been sleeping on the couch.
"Dude I thought you were seeing Kori again?" Artemis asks incredulously. Dick smiles and rubs that back of his head awkwardly.
"I am, we just mostly spend time at the tower."
"How are the Titans? I haven't been there since Jamie and Virgil joined them." Artemis asks, plopping her butt down on the couch.
"They're all fine. Victor is a good leader for them- if he can handle Damion that is." Dick says, sitting in a white laz-e-boy next to the couch.
"But we both know that's not why you came here tonight," he says, getting straight to the point.  "You came because of Wally." He adds.
"Wally!?" she exclaims, confused. "I don't know what happened tonight but how could it be Wally? Dick! What aren't you telling me?!" Artemis exclaims, growing angry.
"Ok, ok, calm down. Why don't you tell me what happened to you." Dick replies calmly.
"Well, I was on the trail of some low-level thug that's been running guns in Star City, when out of nowhere, there is a blue vortex right in front of me and I had the overpowering feeling of being loved." Artemis explains.
"Out of all that you don't think it's Wally?" Dick replies.
"Wally is dead, are you trying to tell me his ghost was talking to me?" Artemis asks
Dick shakes his head, standing up and walking over to his computer desk, flipping the monitor with the communication frequency.
"He told me he isn't dead just about an hour ago." Artemis jumps to her feet.
"Hold on. You're telling me that the love of my life told you he is not dead!?" Artemis exclaims trying to not start crying.
"Yes Artemis, that is what I am saying and you'd better get trot because we are going to find him and get him back." Dick says.
"And just how do you plan on doing that?" Artemis asks, wiping furiously at her eyes.
"Well let's see... who do we know that knows about speedsters?" Dick asks with a huge smile. Artemis' eyes widen and a smile comes to her faces as a single tear rolls down her cheek.

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