Chapter 9: return the Present at once!

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The bio ship still in cloaked mode slowly lands in the courtyard. Inside the bio ship Nightwing hands out the assignments. "Ok team we have two jobs here. One get Arther back alive. Kid Flash.... you know what you're too old to be called Kid so I am just going to call you Flash. You, Tigress, Superboy, Miss Martian and Etrigan this is your mission. The Second mission here is to get us all back to our time. Myself, starfire, Beastboy and, Raven will see if we can find the courts time machine." Nightwing says. "I will give you cover." Mistic says. "Good I want you and Batgirl to stay with the ship. If this all go's sideways get the bio ship out of here the court can not have this tec." Starfire adds. "Rewol eht tsim ot revoc ereht tnemevom." Mistic says and out side the ship a have mist covers the courtyard. "Ok titans go!" Nightwing shouts as the doors to the bio ship open. And the two teams move out and head in opposite directions.

Flash and his team head in to the west side of the castle. Tigress was scouting up ahead of the others. "Hey Flash looks like we got some guards up ahead." Tigress says. "let me deal with them there bones will crash in my hands." Etrigan says. "Ya lets not have that happen. Miss M can you make them go night night?" Flash asks. Miss Martian nods and her eyes start to glow yellow. "My way was match batter." Etrigan says. "Wow and they call me the brute." Superboy says with a snicker. Slowly the two guards drift off to sleep standing up with a huge smile on their face. "Nice work Miss Martian lets find this King." Tigress says.

Over on the east side of the castle Nightwing and his team have come to a huge giant sized door with 13 locks on it. "Umm call me crazy but I think there is something important in there." Beastboy says. "Well you are crazy but that's beside the point." Starfire says with a smile. "Rae can you get us in there?" Nightwing asks. Raven flots up to the door and looks at in there eyes go black. "Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos!" She say and two of the locks turn black and snap open. As the locks snapped it echoed throw out the halls. "We are going to have company soon." Beast boy says. "Ok titans we have to keep them off Raven." Nightwing says drawing his escrima sticks. Starfire's eye and hands light up green and Beast boy gets down on to all fours. In the distance running foot steps could be hard. "Here they come boys." Starfire says.

A swarm of Knights in black armor come running around the corner. On the chest of every armor was the simble of the Owl. standing at the front of the group of Knights was Talien. "I was hoping I'd run in to you chumps again." Talien says. "Well here we are big boy come get some." Beastboy says and smirks. "Hold on were is the rest of your team?" Talien asks. "We are all that made it." Starfire quickly answers. Talien looks right at Nightwing. "There is no way he'd leave his team behind." Talien says and waves his hand and a small group splits off from the rest. "Find the others and Kill them." Talien orders as the small group runs off. Nightwing grinds his teeth and moves in to attack Talien. As Nightwing moves Starfire blasts four on the knights with  her star bolts. Beastboy transforms in to a green bear and charges at some of the knights.

Talien draws his sword right as Nightwing swings down one of this escrima sticks. Nightwing swings his right knee up and kicks Talien in the cheats. Talien stumbles back swings his sword wildly. Nightwing uses his sticks to block the wild slashes.  Talien was able to regain his footing and runs back in attacking Nightwing with a hard right kick and followed up but a swing from his sword. Nightwing jumped into the air and spinning was able to miss all the attacks "Will you just hold still so I can kill you already!" Talien shouts. "Oh see I am not really trying to fight you." Nightwing says as he back flips away form Talien swing of his sword. "Then just what are you doing." Talien asks blacking a side kick from Nightwing. "waiting." Nightwing says with a smile. "waiting for what." Talien says. Nightwing stands up and smiles. "this!" Shouts Raven form behind Talien as the huge door comes flying right at Talien and his knight. Nightwing grabs on to Starfires hand and they fly up in to the sky above the moving door and Beastboy turns in to a crow and flys up also.

Once in side the room Raven pills the door back in to the doorway and Starfire using her star bolts wields the door shout. "Umm that's are only way out." Beastboy says. "Yes this true but also it there only way in." Starfire reply's. In the room sits a giant grandfather clock. "Ok that's just cliche even for me." Beast boy says. Just then Miss Martin is hard in all there heads "hey are you guys ok?" She asks. "Yes we are good. You guys find the King?" Nightwing asks. "Dude you know we did are part. What abut you guys find the T.A.R.D.I.S?" Flash asks. "Wall if you call a huge ass clock a tardis." Raven replies. "We need to get back to are time like now." Beast boy says. "Nightwing can you hack this tec?" Starfire asks. Nightwing smiles and winks. "In a Gotham minute." Nightwing says and plugs the ubs cord form his rest gauntlet. As soon as a holo keyboard appears he starts typeing. "Miss M get the king and Jason out of here once Nightwing gets this thing going we are so back in are time." Starfire says. "Copy that." Miss Martin says. Nightwing nods at the others signaling he is done but right as he dose the door is blasted open and is over ran with Talien and his zombie ninja's. "You and your friends are going no where." Talien says. "See that is were you are wrong." Beast boy says and transforms into a huge T-Rex and charges at the zombie's "Nightwing get us back to are time we will deal with them." Starfire says and flys in attacking. Raven also flys in attacking. Nightwing gets back to work on his gauntlet. Starfire ends up fighting Talien one on one. Using her Star bolts she is able to keep Talien at bay. "Guys we got a big time problem. pun intended." Nightwing says. "Now what?" Beast boy asks. "My gauntlet is not got the juice need to get us back to are time." Nightwing says. "Back up is on the way." Says Flash right as he runs in with Batgirl in his arms. "Hey Bird boy need a hand." Batgirl says plunging her gauntlet in to the clock.

As the rest of the Titans get in to the room it gets more and more crowded "guys we can't keep this up." Mistic says. "There is just to meany body's." Beast boy says as he turns back to normal. Talien smirks and just calls even more Ninja's "We can't hold on its now or never!" Superboy yells. Nightwing and Batgirl head been working the hole time. "Nightwing we need to end this!" Tigress yells. "Hey stay trot." Nightwing says with a smiles. "Wow blast form the pun past there." Nightwing says as him and Batgirl simultaneously hit a button on there gauntlet. In a large flash of light the hole castle is transported back to present day Gotham. "Wall that was just whelming." Nightwing says and draws his sticks. "Now care to keep this dance going." He asks looking at Talien. "Now would the court really like to keep fighting a losing fight." Flash asks with a smirk. Talien holds up his hand and signals for the ninja's to retreat and throws down a smock bomb. When the smoke clears only the Titan League is standing there.  "Wall i guess that was a no." Beast boy says with a giggle.

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