Chapter 10: Family ties

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Today match joy was in the Tower for Carter Hall aka Hawkman and Shiera Sanders Hall aka Hawkgirl head brot there new baby boy Alec Hall. "Shiera he is so cute." M'gann says. "I mean he is not green but ya he is really cute." Garth adds with a smile. "what says you Conner?" Carter asks. "Umm ya cute." Conner answers. "I am sorry the others could not be here today there on a mission." M'gann says. "Oh do not worry we understand this more the most would." Shiera says. Just then in all the alarms in the tower start to sound off making the baby cry. On the main screen a image of Kara aka Supergirl appears. "Any one copying this." Supergirl asks. Conner runs over to the main screen. "Kara its Conner we copy you." Conner replays. "Oh thank Rao I was able to get earth. Cuz I need you and a group of hero to New Krypton as soon as passable." She says frantically. "Supergirl what's going on?" M'gann asks. "New Krypton is under attack by a alion race i have never seen before." Supergirl answers. "They largely rasmble Earth fairytale Werewolf's. But match smarter and way more powerful." She adds. M'gann eyes grow huge as she shivers with fear. "By the Stars it sounds like the Zarketh." M'gann slow says still shivering. "Kara hold on we are on are way." Conner says. "Conner just don't for get your solar suit. New Krypton has a red son." Supergirl says and the trasmchen ends. "Garth get the bio ship ready." Conner says running off to his room. "Carter, Shiera we ask you to come but the baby." M'gann says. The Hall's just nod and smile at her.

A few minutes later SuperBoy Miss martian and Beastboy were on the bio ship and taking off. "Hey SB love the white suit." Beastboy says. SuperBoy shouts him a dirty look. ~he don't like having to wear the suit~ Miss Martian says in Beastboys head. ~ohhh got it thanks big sis~ Beastboy replies. "Ready for light speed drive." Miss Martian says. Beastboy and SuperBoy nod. The controls that Miss Martian head her hands on starts to glow a bright white and the the ship longed forward and they entered light speed.

Thanks to the light speed drive if the bio they were at new krypton in little over a hour. "Dropping out of light speed now." Miss Martian says and once the ship entered normal space what the found was terrifying. "By rai..." SuperBoy says looking at a nearly destroyed plant. "Sis are we to late?" Beastboy asks. Miss Martian eyes turn yellow and start to glow. "No there are still lives down there." Miss Martian says. Just then the ship start to take fire. "Wow they found us already!" Beast boy shouts.  "Zarketh are relations hunters we are in for a crazy fire fight" Miss Martian says. SuperBoy and Beastboy chairs lower down in to the flower with them in them bring them into the gunner rooms. "Looks like we test out the new fire power." SuperBoy says with a huge smile. Beastboy and SuperBoy chair sink in to the floor with them in it. Taking them to the gunner room. Two huge cannon form on the outside of the bio ship. "Open fire boys" Miss Martian says. The two boys pull the trigger on their cannons and both blast out a burst of plasma blowing up one ship. "Two more incoming." She says. "We see this hun." SuperBoy shouts and fires at one of the ships.

After a long fire fight the bio ship finally lands on New Krypton. As the door up Supergirl runs up and hugs each member of the team. "Thank Rao you made it. I saw the fight it was crazy." Supergirl says. "It was one wild ride I have to say." BeastBoy snickers. "What's the situation here cousin?" Superboy asks. "Let's get in side and I will fill you all in." Supergirl replays. The team follows her in to a large house just on the outskirts of the city. "Kara what is the deal how is New Krypton so over ran." Superboy asks. "It happen so fast the Zarketh just came out of no were." Supergirl enplanes. "is there a base or anything we can get info abut what there planing or why they are here?" Miss Martian asks. Supergirl slow nods but has a very worried look on her face. "Oh Man i really don't like how she looks." BeastBoy says. "OK Kara what is it and why have you not brocken down the door yet." Superboy asks. "As you know New Krypton has a red sun witch drans of of are powers." Supergirl says. "Yes that is why we have the Suoler suits." Superboy says with a grumpy tune. "Yes but it will not keep us safe form Kryptnite..." Supergirl says. the group look shooked at eatch other. "Hold up whats Kryptnite doing here?" Beastboy asks.

A hour later Superboy, Miss Martian and, Beastboy Stand out side a green Fortress. SuperBoy looks woozy. "Conner are you ok?" Miss Martian asks. "Fine lets just get the job done!" Superboy shouts. Beastboy turns in to a rhino and runs at the front gate busting it down. Superboy runs in and Miss Martian flys in behind him. Superboys speed is not at full power but he powers throw all the pain. "This place is not all made form Kryptnite but danm it hurts." Superboy says. "Superboy you need to be careful with all this exposure you could be badly hurt." Miss Martian says. "Guys can we just get what we want and go this place is creeping me out." Beastboy chuckles. "The kids right let's get this done." Superboy says.

Just then alarms start going off all over the place. "Guess are cover is blow" Beastboy says. Superboy and Miss Martian shout his a dirty look as guards armed with plasters and swords start to rush to them. The guards looked like somthing out of a old werewolf movie. "Wow this Zarketh dudes are ugly." Beastboy says turning in to a green gorilla. "To bad Wally missed this one I know he have some comment about a wild werewolves movie." Superboy says and throws one of the Zarketh in to the waiting fist of Miss Martian. "There is to meany we need to go!" She shouts. "No not tell me find there main Power source!" Superboy yells. He turns to throw a Zarkethin to Beastboy when one cuts his right side all the way down to his rib. "Conner!" Miss Martian shouts just as anther Zarkethin shuts Superboy at point blank range. Superboy slumps to the ground blood pouring out of him.

To Be Continued.....

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