Chapter 8: A kings ransom

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Just then there is a knock at the shack door. Every member of the league just about jumped out of there skin.

"We're you followed?" Superboy asks.

"No way I know how to cover my tracks. Remember who traned me" Dick snapped.

"I did not fallow anyone I know you Titans would be here" says a old mans vice form out side the door. Dick walks over and opens the door as Superboy and Wally were ready to attack who ever enters.
As the door opens Dick sees a old man in a long blue robe and behind him stands a man in Knight armer with long red hear with a white strike. Dicks eyes grow seeing the man in the armer. "Jason Blood is it nice to see a famelur face."

"I know not you boy." Jason says.

"No Jason you do not but you will" the old man says.

"Why do you speek in riddles Merlin?" Jason asks.

"Hold up did he just say Merlin as in King Arther?" Wally asks. Jast as Wally finished his sentence Jason pushed past Merlin and Dick drowning his sword and holding it at Wally's trout.
"What do they know about the whereabouts of my king!" He demanded.

"Jason stand down Sir Knight they do not have Arther." Merlin says laying his hand on Jason's shoulder. "They are going to help us find him." He adds. Jason nods and sheaths his sword.

"Hold on King Arther is missing?" Barbara asks.

"Yes my dear lady for a fort night now." Jason says.

"Ok just who is King Arthur?" Superboy asks

"how can you be in this land and not know who they King is." Jason asks.

"They are not of this land or this time." Merlin replies

"More riddles." Jason sneers

"Its no riddle Jason he is right we are not of this time were we come form you and the demon Etrigan are Hero's." Wally explains.

"How do you know of the demon?" Jason asks.

"Sir Knight they just told you they are from the future." Merlin replays.

"Fine whatever this is all pointless. Why are the two if you here!" Superboy snaps.

"Right right we seek your help to save Arther." Merlin replays.

"The curt has him don't they." Barbra asks.

"Indeed they do my lady." Jason answers.

"It all makes sances now." Dick replays.

"It dose?" Beastboy asks.

"Yes if the court wants to rule the world what batter way then to start be running England before it lose most of its power." Dick explains.

"Yes yes this is all wall in good but we most go save the king!" Jason says.

"No we can't leave!" Beastboy shouts.

"He is right Miss Martin and Raven are still out." Artemis adds.

"Oh I can help with that." Merlin says and walks over and lays one hand on each hand girls forehead and closes his eyes. The hole team looks on. After a few minutes Marlin and Miss Martin opens there eyes. "My god I am back..." Miss Martin says shivering.

"Now that was truly a dark place." Marlin added

"What about Raven." Beastboy asks but just then Raven seat up making the hole room jump.

"Rachel!" Beastboy shouts and hugs her. A very stand Raven looked around the hugged Beastboy back. "Ok what just happened?" She asks.

"We will have to figure that out later" Dick says.

"What's going on?" Miss Martin asks.

"Wall let's see the court of owls have kidnapped King Arther and we have to help Jason Blood and Merlin get him back." Superboy explains.

"Oh is that all?" Miss Martin asks.

"Umm zack we need are suits back." Barbra says.

Marlin snaps his fingers and every one is back into there super hero suits.

"Ya just make it look so easy why don't you..." Mistic says with a sarcastic tone.

"My boy when you get to be my age you will not need to use words also." Marlin replays.

"Um Jason are you going to change?" Beast boy asks. Jason lets out a sigh as he looks around the room. it was clear by the look on his face he did not want to. "fine... Gone Gone is the form of man rise now the demon Etrigan." Jason says and as he finishes his last word is covered in fire. when that fire left were Jason once stood now is Etrigan. "Let us go." Etrigan says walking out of the hut.

"well Titans lets move out." Nightwing order walking out behind Etrigan. the rest of the team follows.

The Titans move towards the castle as Night falls. The castle looked to be wall fortified. "Marlin what are we walking in to?" Batgirl asks.

"I really don't know." Marlin replies

"Hold on your leading us in to a blind situation?" Starfire asks.

"Blind or not there is no time to cry save the king or we all die." Etirgan says.

"Wall that's a great morale booster." Kid Flash says.

"Nightwing I don't like the idea of sending the team in like this." Starfire says.

"Nor do I Star, K.F. run up ahead and scoop out what we are head for." Nightwing orders. Kid Flash nods and in a blur of speed is gone.

"What it matter if there are men or demon. We will kill them all." Etrigan says

"we will not kill anything." Raven says

"a demon who dose not want to kill?" Etrigan adds

"I am not a DEMON!" Raven shouts.

"Shhhhh." everyone hush her as Kid Flash rush back to the group. "So Flash what did you see?" Marlin asks.

"It's Kid Flash and I saw a lot." Kid Flash says

"It is for now." Marlin added

"Ok Ok K.F. what is your report." Nightwing says.

"Ya sorry boss. Its heavy graded. we are talking armed Knights on ever entices to the place and bow men on the looks outs covering every blind spot you can think of. Maybe Miss M. and I could get in but I don't see how the rest of you could." Kid Flash says.

"what abut Marlin magic?" Mistic asks.

"My Magic is powerful but I don't believe I can hide us all." Marlin says.

"what dose it mater we fight or we die." Etrigan says

"No that is not going to happen we will not go in there just to die." Starfire says

"I wish my bio ship was here it could easily get us all in there unseen." Miss Martian says.

"Now that I can do." Marlin says and starts speaking in a word langue. when he finishes there is a flash of blinding white light and the red bio ship was right in front of the team.

"wow your handy to have around." Beastboy chuckles.

"Ok lets do this every one on the Ship." Nightwing says. every one nods and they all walk in to the bio ship. Slowly the ship takes off and turns invisible.  

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