Chapter 3: Finding each other

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a week had past since Wally West aka Kid Flash had come back to the land of the living. Bart Allen aka Impulse had given Kid Flash back his Superhero name happily. Even with his Superhero name back Wally did not rejoin the team and even Artemis left the team. Dick Grayson also would not return to the team he had back to Blüdhaven.

In the city of Hope Haven Starfire patrols the sky talking to Dick on her ear communicator. "I am so filled with joy that Wally is back" she says.

"Ya it's great and all but I just don't feel like it's right to go back to the teen Titans or the Team to lead again." Dick replies.

"Then why not come here and hang out with me?" Starfire says landing on a skyscraper.

"Just you and me working side by side?" Dick asks.

"Who says all we have to do is work?" Starfire ask with a huge smile on her face. The coms go silent for a few. "Dick did I lose you?" Starfire ask tapping the device in her left ear.

"Oh no sorry my mind wandered there for a minute. Ya that sound like fun I will head down there first thing tomorrow." Dick replies and turns off his comlink. Out of the shadows walks Raven. She walks over to Starfire. "he coming?" She asks very unemotional. Starfire nods and looks over at Raven.

"Did you tell him about the team you put together here?" Raven asks. Starfire shakes her head no.

The Next day Dick Grayson was speeding down the highway on his way to Hope Haven. Out of the corner of his eye he sees in his right side mirror a black car following him. "Ok that car's been behind me for a hour now this doesn't seem right?" Dick says speeding up. The Car does the same staying on his tail the whole time. "Ok then let's dance." Dick says and starts to swerve in and out of lanes and the car's. speeding up the hole time. Still the car was on his tail. Finally Dick did a stunt that would of got a normal guy killed. Dick speeds up even faster and slides his motorcycle under a semi truck and then jumping off the highway and onto the streets of Hope Haven. The Car was unable to follow.

Dick finally pulls up to the building address That Starfire head gave him. "Oh come on you have to be joking me!" he says pulling his helmet off. The building was on the outskirts of the city and in the shape of a giant T. The doors slow slide open and out walks KoriAnd'r aka Starfire wearing normal clothing. "Hey there Handsome." She says walking over and kissing him. Dick Kisses her back and then pulls away.

"So you going to tell me what is going here?" Dick asks.

"Wall" Kori says playing with her hair."Who is all here?" he asks. "Raven, Beast boy, Miss Martian, and Superboy." She Replies still playing with her hair. Dick nodes grabs his bag and walks inside.

The interior of the Tower was much like the one in Jump City. "Victor help you build this?" Dick asks as they both get in the elevator. Kori nods. "So you wanted me here to lead a new team of Teen Titans?" Dick asks. Kori's eyes go huge "By X'Hal No I wanted you here. You know I love you Dick." Kori says. "And i love you Kori but this feels like a trap. Oh did you tell anyone i was coming?" Dick asks her. Kori shakes her head no. "Interesting I head a black car taling me the whole way here." Dick Replies. "Did you loses it?" Kori asks. "Oh come on Kori like i can't lose one car." Dick snaps back.

The elevator opens to the ops room. Where the rest of there friends stand. Garfield Logan aka Beast Boy, Rachel Roth aka Raven, Conner Kent aka Superboy, and M'gann M'orzz aka Miss Martian. M'gann and Conner were holding up a sign that says welcome Nightwing. "Hey Bro its nice to see you." Garfield says running over and hugging Dick. "Hey there Gar nice to see you again." Dick says patting him on the back. "You look like you're feeling the aster man." Conner says. Dick snickers and smiles. "We are all happy you are here." Rachel says very devoid of emotion. "Umm ya i can so tell" Dick says Kori just giggles. "So is this the whole team?" Dick asks. "We were hoping for three more." M'gann replies. Dick looks over at Kori. "Who?" He asks. "Wall ummm... Wally, Artums, and Barbara." Kori says twirling her to index fingers around each other. "Ya Dude Kid Flash is back and would be great to have back on the Team and wherever he Goes Tigress is going to go and just think how good Batgirl has gotten sances training with Batman again." Garfield blurts out. Dick sighs and looks at everyone. "So you all think I would just jump at the chance to work on a team again and i would bring Wally, Artums, and Babs with me." He says. "Wall Ya." Conner says. Dick turns around and walks back to the elevator. "Thanks for the invite but no thanks!" Dick says and gets in the elevator and leaves. "Who saw that coming... Oh Ya me." Rachel says and walks off. "Now what Sis?" Garfield says looking over at M'gann. M'gann shrugs "I don't know Gar." she replies with a Sigh.

Down on the Street Dick head gotten on to his Motorcycle and started it up When Connor walked out of the tower. "So that's it huh the big bad Nightwing can't work with a team any more?" Connor asks. "Dude you know why i left the team. " Dick replies. "No man i don't No one really does. You told us you need a break wall looks to me like break is over."Connor says throwing a new paper at Dick. Dick catches it and opens the paper on the front page is a huge Photo of Nightwing. The title of the article reads 'Nightwing back in action.' "I left to find Wally and now that is done so i can go back to living a normal life." Dick retorts back and throws the paper back at Connor. "Man who you trying to fool. You and I both know this is your life Dick" Connor snaps. Dick quickly jumps of his back and gets in to Connor face. "You think you know me! Tell a few Year ago you did not even know what life was!" Dick shouts. Connor grabs Dicks shirt and pull him in even closer. "Your right jackass but it was my friends that got me throw that time and you know what ass hole your one of them Friends so why not let us help you throw whatever shit you are going throw." Connor says. Dick eyes go wide and he push away from Connor. Connor lets him go. "What do you know?" Dick asks starting his shirt. "Just that you and the big bad bat head one hell of a falling out." Connor Says. "Clark told you" Dick says. Connor nods and Dick leans back on his motorcycle. "Ya a falling out would be putting it nice." Dick says with a heavy sighs. Connor walks over and places his hand on his old friend's shoulder. "Come back inside Man you will always have a home with us." Dick Nods and the two old friends walk back into the building.

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