Chapter 7: Truth or Dare to Niall and Tayla

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Meaghan’s POV

 “Okay, who wants to go first?” I asked after when I grabbed a plastic cup from the cupboard.

 “Can I please?” Danielle asks. I give the cup to Danielle who spins it, and it lands on Kimmy. She goes wide-eyed slightly and quickly says truth.

 “Hmm… what is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you in public?”

 “Um…. Meaghan dacked me in front of my crush last year…” I try so hard not to laugh at the memory, but I couldn’t help giggling, which started Tayla and Zara, making Kimmy blush even more furiously. It was a crowded day at the shops, and Kimmy’s crush was about to ask her out when I dacked her.

 “Not my fault! I didn’t know that they were your loose pants! Good thing to, otherwise you’d ” This makes everyone laugh even harder. Zayn nudged her with his shoulder gently, which made her giggle.

 “Okay, my turn!” She spins the bottle, which lands on Niall.

 “Oh shit. Screw it! I’ll choose truth!” this makes everyone crack up laughing.

 “What’s your worst habit?”

 “Eating and farting…” Niall blushes and Tayla giggles.

 “Yeah, he would get a gold medal if they were Olympic sports!” Louis exclaims, making Niall blush more furiously.

 “Ohh, don’t be mean to Niall!” Tayla hugs Niall who grins.

 “Tayla and Niall sitting in a tree..” I start.

 “K-I-S-S-I-N -” Louis joins in with me until we both get hit with pillows from Tayla and Niall.

 Louis and I both stick our hands up in surrender, laughing. Louis mouths me ‘They’ll be great together’. I smile and mouth back ‘I know, they have so much in common’. Niall then spins the bottle, which lands on me.

 “Oh, come on! Is this revenge for saying you and Tayla sitting in a tree?” Niall grins and does an evil laugh, which makes everyone lose it, and nods.

 “Bastard. Dare! But not too extreme!” some of them giggle

 “Okay… I dare you to… go out onto the street and shout the first thing that pops into your head.” Tayla, Kimmy, Zara and I smile. I do this all the time at school with my guy friend Josh.

 “Boring! But I’ll do it!” I jump up and go out to the street and they look at me, the boys and Danielle waiting for me for shouting a word, whereas Kimmy, Zara and Tayla are grinning. I see that Louis gets his phone out and I know that he’s recording me. I put my hand around my mouth and shout….



Everyone started cracking up laughing; Liam, Danielle and Niall in hysterics, when my dad comes out.

 “Meaghan! Is shouting out your obsession to the world really necessary?” This makes everyone laugh even harder, including myself.

 Once I calmed down, I look at my dad.

 “Yeah, it is actually! It’s no wonder why I’m the oddball in the family!” I look at Louis, who lying on the grass panting.

 “Man, you’re giving me a run for the money for being the funniest person around!”

 “Trust me, I’m not that funny, I just choose to say things at random times.” I tell him. We all slowly walk into the house, Niall wrapped his arms around Tayla.

 “Caught! Liars! You two like each other! Don’t deny it…Everyone else in the room can see it..” I shout at them.

 “Everyone else but YOU!” Liam, Danielle, Harry, Kimmy, Zara, Louis, Zayn and I shouted the the last part, making Tayla and Niall blush.

 I slap Niall on the shoulder.

 “What was that for?” he looks at me, bewildered.

 “Just ask her out mate, she’s likes you a lot. And it’s obvious that you like her too.” I walk off, leaving him looking happy.


Niall’s POV

 Tayla likes me? I liked her, but I thought she was just being friendly. The hours went by and I was still thinking about what to say to her. At 2:30, Tayla was saying goodbye to everyone because she had to go to work. Meaghan hugs her and she looks at me and mouths ‘You gonna do something?” I nod and I walk out with Tayla.

 “Tayla…” she looks at me, her eyes don’t meet mine though.

 “Yes Niall?” her parent’s car pulls up into the driveway.

 “Do you want to hang out with me? I mean, without everyone…”

 “Like a date?” she smiles slightly.

 “Yeah…”for some reason I felt myself blushing.

 “I would love to! Here, you can text me where you want to go, or I can choose the place.” I feel so relieved I kiss her on the cheek when we swap numbers, and she quickly races to her car and hops into it. The reverses and I wave and she blows me a kiss before I can’t see her.

Tayla’s POV

 I quickly text Meaghan that I’m going out with him.

 Good!!! It was obvious that it was ‘love at first sight’!!!! well, mainly from where we started the sitting in the tree thing…. Hehe

 I smile, I could not believe I’m going out with Niall Horan! Mum looks at me weirdly.

 “What are you so happy about?”

 “Ummm… I got asked out by a guy. He’s amazing, his name’s Niall.”

 “The boy who gave you a kiss on the cheek? He’s seems alright, and that’s only based on looks” Mum teases.

 “He is…” I think of places to go for the date when I think of the place where Meaghan had her birthday dinner last year. He should like that.

Meaghan’s POV

 “Niall! Get in there bud!” Niall glares at me as I sit on my bed, Louis lying with his toes near my hands, and I couldn’t resist. He starts to squirm, telling me to stop.

 “What’s with Niall getting in where?” Liam asks when he comes in and Louis steals my phone.

 “Hey! Give it back!” I try to reach for the phone, but Louis manages to keep it out of my reach.

 “Only if I see the text from Tayla.” Niall shouts no but I nod.

 Louis looks at it for a while, and then says “That is soooo cute Niall! Niall’s going out with Tayla!!!” Kimmy, Zara and Danielle squeal in happiness, which make the boys chuckle, except for Niall who tries to hold his mock anger.

 “Don’t worry Nialler, we’ll stop talking about your love life… for now.” I say after seeing his relieved face. He pouts then looses it, laughing.

Danielle's Cousin: A Louis Tomlinson Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now