Chapter 19: Lying Through Skype

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9th December

Meaghan’s POV

The months have flown past; formal done; and Tayla, Kimmy, Zara and I have finally finished school. The boys have started to record their second album; and have won a couple more music awards. I still got hate on Twitter; but the boys would always back me up. I sigh and look out of my bedroom window; looking out onto the quite rainforest (A/N: the backyard of my house is a rainforest basically :P )

The girls had all texted me picture and Skyped me along with the boys. I now all by myself living with my parents. The girls had gone over to the UK to be with their boyfriends; they had the money to go there. But me? Nada. I was still stuck in a long-distance relationship with my famous boyfriend. It was still hard. Eleanor was trying to get back with Louis; but he kept on saying no.

My phone rings; Stole my Heart screaming out to answer the phone.




18th December

Louis’ POV

I was at Harry’s flat with Zara; while Harry went shopping for my birthday present. Zara was in the kitchen making carrot cake to cheer me up.

I Skyped Meaghan again today. I wait for her sign-in name to pop up.

Meaghan_Luvs_Boo is now online

I quickly press her name and her face pops up.

“Hey Lou.” She says ecstatically.

“Hey Nutmeg.” I reply; her rolling her eyes. That has now become her nickname thanks to her friend at Cactus Jacks, which Harry adopted. “Why you so happy?”

“Oh, I don’t know; maybe seeing my boyfriend up close on my computer screen.” She says with a smile. “Looking forward to your birthday?”

“Yes; but I wish you were here though to celebrate it with me; that would be the best birthday present ever.” I smile sadly back at her. It did suck that she wasn’t exactly rich like Tayla, Kimmy and Zara who were the rest of the boys. It was lonely that I was the only one who didn’t have my girl with me when we went to Nandos.

“Well I will be seeing you next year though; you are coming to Australia for my birthday right?” Meaghan asks.

“Of course! I wouldn’t miss my girlfriend’s birthday; even if she missed out on mine!” I say proudly.

“Good. I’ve got to go finish packing. Josh wants me to camp with him and his girlfriend until Christmas Eve. It should be fun. I reckon you’d like Kimmy’s twin.” She says; but there was something in her eyes which made me assume that she was lying. Was Meaghan cheating on me?

I smile without showing the hurt in my eyes as I said goodbye to her. I logged off Skype and ran my fingers through my hair.

“Was that Meaghan?” Zara’s voice comes from the kitchen doorway. I turn to see my girlfriend’s friend and smile sadly and nod.

“Why the long face Boo Bear?” Zara says as she comes and sits next to me. I put the laptop on the table in front of me and sigh.

“I think Meaghan’s cheating on me. She said she was going to go pack because she was going camping with Kimmy’s brother and his girlfriend. But there was something in her eyes which made me know that she was lying.

“Meaghan’s not the sort of type who cheats on people.” She says with a frown and leaves the room. I shrug; Meaghan’s lying eyes still were haunting me.



What was Meaghan lying about? What was the phone call about?

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