Chapter 1

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Jeonghan's P.OV
Dear diary.
It's my first day of Junior year at school. I'm pretty nervous about it. But it will be okay. Two more years Jeonghan, two more years. Life can be hard sometimes. Yes it can hit your right into your face. And all of us should be strong enough to handle even such a small problems in our lives. Probably wondering what do I mean. I mean everyone who tries to hurt us. Tries to tease us in every way. Tries to torn us apart. Tries to break us down...
This year everything will be okay.

I closed my diary and putted on my working table. I sat on my bad and looked through the window.

While my mind was full of thinking, I looked at my alarm clock it was already 7:30, I should get ready for school. I don't want to be late.
I went to my bathroom, lit up the lights on and looked myself into a mirror. I smiled at my reflection. And repeated to myself that "I can". Then I closed my eyes, took a deep breathe and decided to take a shower. Right after I came from bath and brushed my teeth, that's when my skin care routine starts. I washed my face with a cleanser, then put some toner on, then sheet mask, moisturizer and my skin was super glowy. I ironed my hair, put little makeup on and wore my school uniform. As you can see I really care of my appearance.
I heard my mom called my name and I quickly went downstairs.
"Good morning Mom. What's wrong?"

"Hello Jeonghan. Breakfast is ready. Here you go." Then she put two toasts on the table and poured me a milk.

"Thanks mother." I mumbled and gave her little smile.

I quickly ate my breakfast. Took my jacket and bag. Kissed my mom on her cheek and went to outside. While I waited the school bus, I decided to listen some music. I took out my phone and searched songs on iTunes. I turned on Bach's- Cello Suite No 1. That composition sounded so realistic and relaxing. I closed my eyes and tried to concrete on absolutely nothing. I got lost into this music until school bus showed up and crashed my classical atmosphere. I ran into the bus and took the empty sit. In my life I usually have couple of friends and non of them drives with bus.

And here we go, I arrived at my school. The place with full of jerks. The place I hate the most. But I only hate atmosphere here, that's it. I love studying, besides that I am one of the best students at my school. Only B I've got was PE last year. I don't play sports. Only basketball, maybe?! Mostly I enjoy doing some Math, Literature or Geography. I entered to our school building and my first period was Physics class. I saw my friend Minghao was sitting in the corner of the class. I went to him and sat next to him. Minghao smiled.

"Hey Jeonghan. How are you? How was your summer holidays? Did you do our homework Mr. Peter gave us?"
"Hello Minghao. Yes I did them. How were you? Why didn't you call me?"

Minghao was my old friend. We first met in 5th grade. We were really young when we decided we wanted to be an astronaut. Which sounds funny for me now.
"We went to this summer camp, I was pretty busy there and they didn't let us to use our phone. Sounds terrible I know."

I just nodded. First period went really fast. At lunch time I went with Minghao at Cafeteria to meet my other friends/schoolmates. I saw Joshua, Woozi, Seungkwan, Seokmin and Dino were sitting together. I smiled and quickly went towards them. First who saw my was my best friend Joshua and suddenly his face become so bright. Well they all were my best friends, but I always feeling something more from Joshua, all the hard times I've gone through. There was no time when he wasn't with me.

He stood up and hugged me. Then I greeted others and had conversation about our holiday time. Well I didn't say much. We were laughing loudly until those jerks showed up.

Speaking of devils of the school. They also are known as badass group, they always try to bully everyone. They laugh to everyone, literally on everyone. I just don't understand why those girls have crush on them and while seeing them dying in pain.

"Jeonghan... are you okay?" Asked Joshua.

"Yes I'm fine. Never mind. So what were we talking about?" I looked back to them.

"Your eyes are teary..." Said Woozi

"I'm fine." I tried to avoid eye contact with them and wiped my tears away.

I was one of them, who got bullied by them every year. I never knew the reason why. Was it my sexuality? Everyone at school knew that I was gay. No secret about it. I never knew the reason and probably I'll never know.

"Nothing will happen to you Jeonghan. They just can't do what they have been doing for years. They can't mess with you again." Said Minghao

"They can. They can tear me apart in every second. They can do everything they want."

Seungcheol, Mingyu, Wonwoo, Vernon, Hoshi and Jun. Yes. That's the names of those jerks. They all tried to destroy me, every time I see them. I see the past memories too. I remember everything they've done to me. Laughing at me is just a weak for their actions. Destroying my projects, putting some kind of signs about me on my locker. Photoshooped pics of mine. Putting cockroach in my lunch. Getting piece of papers saying: "As long as you're gay you can suck your dad's dick", "You can have threesome with your parents." Well there's so much more to tell. But worst part of this all is that guy Seungcheol. He is the leader of this group. He has dark hair, mystery eyes and big lips. Probably curious why I talk about him like that. I don't even know. All summer I was checking his social media and had no reason why. He is the one who hurt me the most, he is the one who tries to tear me down the most.

They were coming straight to us, and had smirks on their faces.

"So hello there nerds." Said Mingyu

"We'll have lot of fun this year, right Jeonghan?" Jun continued

"No you won't" Argued Joshua.

"Says who?" Laughed Woonwo.

"Says his friend. Leave him alone!"

"Now listen you stupid human, there is no one or anything in this entire world that can stop us what are we doing. So you better shut your mouth or you'll get a surprise soon." Glared Mingyu.

Joshua stopped talking and I looked away.

"What's wrong Jeonghan? Aren't you happy to meet us again?" I heard deep voice and it hit me right into my stomach. It was Seungcheol. I looked at him and he smirked. I was scared. I was really scared of him.
"Let's go." Said Soekmin and helped me to stood up. Others followed us too. I tried to walk properly, I just couldn't.
"But wait where are you going? That's too soon." We heard Hoshi.
"Yeah we didn't say what we wanted to say" Added Vernon.
Seungkwan turned back and asked: "What do you want?"

Seungcheol came to me and looked directly into my eyes. My heart was about to jump of it's own place. I was heavy breathing. He had serious expression on his face. And suddenly we were really close to each other. But. There's always some "but". He started laughing and dragged my bag down.

"STOP" shouted Joshua and Minghao.

"What are you going to do tell me? Do you really want to mess with me?" Said Seungcheol with sarcastic voice and went back with his group. They all laughed and disappeared.

"Calm down Jeonghan. We're here for you." Said Dino and hugged me. I hugged him back and smiled.

If not they, I would have been dead already... 

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