Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Jeonghan's P.O.V

It's been 4 months since me and Seungcheol broke up. So many things has happened by this time. We didn't contact each other ever again. After what he did to me, after what noona did to me as well. We both tried to avoid to see each other at school. I even changed the classes which I shared with him.

It was really hard without him. It was really hard to spend my birthday without him. It supposed to be my first day with him. We both had so many plans together. After all this time I still don't understand why I gave him a reason to do such kind of thing to me.

Thanks to my friends. They were always caring to me. Thanks to Joshua. Thanks to him because he cleared my mind.

"Hey Jisoo, are you coming?" I gave him a warm smile.

"Yeah let's go." Joshua was staying with me today. We decided to hang out together since it was already Christmas holidays. When we went to my house. My parents and Joshua's parents were gathered together. Our faces went confused.

"What's that all about?" I smiled at them.

"So we all decided. Since you two are really close, why don't we go on a vacation together?"

"Daebak. Really mom?"

"I think it sounds good right?" Asked Joshua's mom.

"Sounds excellent." I smiled at Joshua and we both made our way to my bed but I suddenly stopped.

"Wait mom. Where's the vacation?"

"New York."

"You gotta be kidding me." I chuckled, took Joshuas hand and went to my bedroom.

"Can you believe this? We're going to New York." I put my head into my pillow.

"I'm so happy that we're going together."

"Same here. We're gonna have so much fun."

"Hope so." We both smiled at each other.


We checked everything. Went to the airport. Our 14 hours flight has began. I slept for too long. Obviously. But most of all I listened to relaxing music.


As we stood waiting for a taxi outside of the airport, it was immediately apparent to me that New York City was not the same as Korea. It seemed like everyone there was in a hurry to get to another place. The loud and constant sound of cars honking was heard throughout the entire trip.

Everyone in the streets was walking at a brisk pace that indicated a rush to be somewhere. The transportation of the city was also far different than anything that I had ever been exposed to.

Just standing and watching the many people rushing their own separate ways was an interesting observation.

We finally reached our fancy hotel. Seemed like me and Joshua were staying in the same room. Which kind of made me uncomfortable. But...

Each street was crammed with buildings that were built side by side with no room in between them, and a number of skyscrapers were present throughout the city as well. I was awestruck again as we went inside some of these buildings such as the Empire State Building and made our way towards the top. Standing outside of one of the top stories of the Empire State Building was awesome. I could hold the entire city in my hand from this view.

This city was breathtaking.

Everything looked like a miracle.

I knew that my visit in NYC was my life changing.

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