Chapter 10

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So hey guys. How are you doing? I have to thank everyone who reads this fan fiction, it means a lot. So the thing is I have finally decided to give my fan fiction a soundtrack.

The link is here, in case if you could not find it.

Yeah so I won't talk much, I hope you'll enjoy this chapter. MORE TO COME!!! ♥♥♥

Chapter 10

Seungcheol's P.O.V

"Hey beautiful." I whispered sleeping Jeonghan, who was next to me. He looked so beautiful and slept so peacefully. I loved him. All of him. His hair, his little nose, his lips, his cheeks, beautiful eyes. I found it hard but his Adam's apple was pretty hot too. So I could kiss to it every time I want to and leave marks on it. He hardly got up, looked at me and smiled.


"Did you sleep well?"

"Yes. Did you?"

"I haven't slept at all."

"Why?" He asked.

"Remember when I came late to hospital room?"

"Yeah I was looking for you that time."

"I saw my mom next room. But I couldn't even look at her and her scars all over her face. I just couldn't. I miss her." I mumbled .

"Why didn't you tell me? We could at least see how she's doing."

"No I don't want. So wanna eat breakfast? I'll ask Jun."


We arrived at Jun's house since there was no place to go. I had to ask him, but I know he would be very angry if he saw Jeonghan again. Besides I have to tell my friends that we actually dating right? I knocked on the door and Hoshi opened it.

"Hey what are you doing here?" I asked him.

"We're having a meeting, remember? We were waiting for you." Oh shit. Then Hoshi looked behind me and he dropped his jaw.

"What is he doing here? With you?" I looked back to Jeonghan and gave him nervous smile.

"He has no where to stay and I want to ask Jun if he could stay here."

"Are you serious Seungcheol hyung?" He laughed.

"Yes very serious. Now please move and let us in."

Me and Jeonghan went in house and saw all boys were lying on the sofa. Wonwoo looked at me and smiled until he saw Jeonghan next to me. Vernon didn't look confused he just smirked. Jun and Mingyu were talking to each other until Wonwoo hit his shouder.

"What a surprise. Look who is here." Wonwoo started speaking.

"Wonwoo until you say something I want you all to know that me and Jeonghan are dating. So I don't want any of your asses near him, understand?" Everyone was shocked by my suddenly announcement.

"Are you fucking serious?" Mingyu yelled.

"Yeah, what's the problem?" I tried to stay calm.

"So you're fucking gay Seungcheol that's what!!!"

"Don't make me laugh Mingyu. So are you. No you're actually dumb that you still didn't tell your own feelings to someone who is right next to you now." Jun pointed at his self.

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