Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Jeonghan's P.O.V

So I woke up in a good mood. Hoping that got text from him but my notification bar was empty. I went out from bed and got ready for school. I cooked myself breakfast and took my pills. Then texted to noona to come at my house for dinner. All done I was on my way to school when suddenly someone called my name. I looked back and it was Joshua.

"Morning Jeonghan."

"Joshua? Hey." I replied surprisingly.

"Can I walk with you?"

"Of course."

We talked all the way to school. Probably about everything, but then our ways were separated cause our first period was different. I went to Math's office and sat to my seat. Then saw someone sat next to me.

"Hey Jeonghan." I almost chocked. Vernon?


"I just said hello, relax. I didn't come to fight."

"Then what's the reason?"


"What about him?" I got kind of worried.

"What about him? Don't you know?"

"Know what Vernon? I don't get it."

"His stepfather kicked him out of their house and he slept at Jun's house yesterday."

"WHAT?" I almost yelled.

"But... but what happened?"

"His stepdad is alcoholic, so he had probably fight with Seungcheol's mother. And you know him, he got very emotional when he saw his mother. Naked. On the floor..."

"Did his... did his stepfather...?" I couldn't even speak.

"Yes raped her."

Oh my god. Poor Seungcheol.

"We texted yesterday. Why didn't he tell me that?"

"I really don't know. But can I ask you a favor?" I got shocked what Vernon said.

"What is it?"

"Calm him down." I looked at him and couldn't say a word. Then he stood up and disappeared.

I quickly picked my phone and called Seungcheol. First he didn't pick up. I tried second time. No respond. Third time. What should I do? The teacher still wasn't at class. I stood up and went outside of school. Then asked some random students if they knew where was Jun's house and went there.

I then knocked on the door and Jun opened it.

"What the hell?"

"I'm sorry. Is Seungcheol here?"

"Yeah. So?"

"Can I see him?"

"Are you out of mind? Do you know what happened to him?"

"Yes Jun that's exactly why I want to see him. Please let me in." Then he looked outside and gave me sigh to get inside. He pointed that he was upstairs and I went there. I opened the room's door and saw him lying at the bed.

"Seungcheol?" I almost whispered.

"Jeonghan? What are you doing here?" He looked at me and quickly stood up.

"I... heard what happened. I am so sorry." I looked at him and wanted to give him tightest hug ever.

"It's okay Jeonghan. If you came here to comfort me, no you can leave right now."

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