Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Our next period was PE. What I hated the most. I used to play basketball when I was a kid. But now I'm not really enjoying playing it anymore. Me Soekmin, Joshua and Minghao went together. When we entered in a huge hall (Which was separated for basketball court and tennis court), I suddenly saw Wonwoo and Mingyu were playing basketball. I tried to avoid them and put my hand on Joshua's arm.

"They're here." I said.

"It's okay Jeonghan. Try to calm down okay? Don't disappear from us and everything will be okay. Besides we're not alone in this sports hall." Answered Joshua, and I nodded.

I looked at Wonwoo and saw him noticing me. I tried not to eye contact them when he whispered something to Mingyu and both laughed. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I was lost. I didn't know what to do. I was scared. I started shaking and Soekmin noticed.

"Jeonghan... Want to sit down for a while?"

I looked at him and nodded. Minghao took my hand and smiled at me.
"Please Jeonghan, don't be like that. We're here for you okay? Everything will be alright." I smiled at him.

I wonder what would be my life without them. I'm just very grateful. I stood up and walked over the direction where was our tennis court. They all followed me. I went to boys changing room, which unfortunately wasn't separated. I opened my locker and started to undress. I looked to the right direction and saw Seungcheol. He was shirtless and wearing dark jeans. He slid his hand into his hair, god. He looked so good. I couldn't take my eyes on him. He started to unlock his locker and put his shirt in it. Then he unlocked his pants and took it off. I tried to look away but my heart was popping. Then he put his pants into locker as well and while he was taking his uniform he directly looked at me. I froze. We were looking at each other without saying a word. Until smirk appeared on his face and laughed. Then he put his uniform on and came to me. After that he placed his hand on my locker and made me to face him. I couldn't look at him in the eyes. I looked away. He took my chin and glared directly into my eyes. He came really close. I even heard his heavy breathing. My heart stopped working.

"So Jeonghan. What were you looking at?"

I didn't say anything. I just couldn't.

"Won't you tell me?" And then he came closer.

"I...I wasn't looking at anything." I mumbled.

"Okay then". He smirked and walked away.

I shook my head and looked down. But then I heard Joshua calling my name. I quickly changed and tied my hair up to make some kind of ponytail. I walked to the hall and saw those jerks were playing basketball together. All of them. I felt disgust. I walked through the hall and went to Minghao. He smiled and asked me if I was okay, all I did was nod. Well technically I wasn't fine. I looked at Seungcheol. He played so professionally. He had big muscles and he was sweating already. His skin was glowing and I can tell that I was watching him mouth open. My attention was broke by Soekmin. He came to me smiling.

"What are you thinking?"

"Oh, nothing." I smiled back.

We started playing, and I quickly got very sweaty so I decided to take a break and sat in the corner of the hall. I was looking down to catch my breath and suddenly saw the shade of someone. I looked up and it was him. Again him. Why do I deserve this? What have I done? What kind of sin have I made?

"Get up!" Seungcheol said.


"You heard me."

"I'm... just very tired, I need to rest. What do you want?"

"Why do you make me to repeat again? I said get up!" He almost yelled.

I looked the way were my friends were playing and they heard Seungcheol screaming. And ran to me.

"What's your problem? What do you want from him? Especially from him? Before him, dare and mess with us!" Argued Minghao.

Then Mingyu, Vernon and Wonwoo came. They all laughed out loud.

"Are you serious? You guys are the ones who shouldn't mess with us. Nerds." Said Vernon and all of them nodded seriously.

"Defending your gay friend isn't cool." Laughed Wonwoo.

And suddenly that sentence hit me so hard. I shook my head and started to cry. I looked down shaking. I was literally shaking. I ran out of the hall and reached the restroom. Cried my heart out loud. As loud as I could. They tried to tear me apart and congratulations they've made it. I sat down on the floor and started to cry harder. Why can't I have a normal life like everyone else? What's wrong with me? Am I going crazy? I want everything to be very simple. Very normal. I just want to see and explore things on my own, feel the sun on my skin with closed eyes, think of beach days with sand in my hair, cycle down a hill, let the air blow against my face, go to cozy coffee shops with lots of pillows, journal in the park, hear kids laughing and having the time of their lives, buy new plants and give them names, drink tea on rainy days. Why it can't be like that? I don't want do be afraid of life or anyone.

Seungcheol P.O.V

I saw Jeonghan running out of the sports hall.

"What the hell? You know how hard was it to him to come out to everyone? Do you have any idea what he has been gone through? You are assholes. I hate you, because you make everyone feel inconvenient, unacceptable or useless. You guys are evils. You have no heart!" Screamed Joshua and ran over him.

"What have you done? What did he do to make him feel that way. Don't you see how he tries his best to avoid talking to you? That bullying won't got that far!" said Minghao and they all followed Joshua.

"Wonwoo that was too much." I said to Wonwoo, while they were laughing.

"Come on. Too much? Since when do you care what they'll say or think?" He punched my arm.

"Enough Wonwoo!"

"What's wrong with you hyung?" Said Mingyu.

"Nothing is wrong just enough laughing about something what isn't that funny!"

"Okay, I won't say anything. Today you seem moody"

I shook my head and walked away. That was too much. I never thought Jeonghan was feeling that way. And I've never said or did anything about his sexuality.

At the break time in the hallway I saw Jeonghan and Minghao were coming. I looked at him but he didn't. I don't know I feel some kind of feeling I never had before. This was awkwardly awkward. I went out to meet boys who were waiting outside.

"Were were you?" Asked Jun.

"Doesn't matter. Now I am here."

"You look different."

"Come on Jun what do you mean." Vernon and Mingyu looked at each other.

"Okay forget about that. So boys today is a big party at Noah's. We're going right?"

"Of course we are! There's no party without us." I said. We all laughed and walked out of school.

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