Establishing the characters

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 James Silver- fox faunus- silver with green accents, duster withe silver boots and pants, a dark green shirt under the duster. James's weapon of choice are his 2 revolvers that turn into machetes. James is a patient, sometime energy filled person. He also is the bartender and a secret huntsmen. James was a 6 foot tall man with silver hair and eyes. He was also pale.

Charlotte Sea- human- Dark blue with purple accents, she wore a short skirt with a cape that barely covered her chest .A with a scythe as a weapon. She was a bit "persuasive" in the sense she liked attention. Charlotte had also a 5 foot 6 person with dark hair, and blue eyes. She was a dancer (ironically) and also a secret huntress. she had little info about her.

Zoey Stain- human- black with maroon accents, a tank top, shorts with knee high boots, and headphones around her neck and sunglasses. Her weapon was a minigun that had 4 forms, form#1 minigun, form#2, chainsaw, form#3 chainsaw sword, form #4 stool. Zoey was hyper and talkative and somewhat like James. Shes a natural brunette and has brown eyes, she also has darker skin.

Blaine Silents-human- light brown with black accents, a baggy long sleeve with black belts around the waist, stomach, upper arm and thighs. He also had a black scarf, boots, a tan cloak, gloves and lastly tan mask. His weapon was a gun that had several forms, it could be a pistol, assault rifle, shotgun, machine gun, and a sniper rifle. Blaine was a basic job of throwing the drunks out.He had black hair and glowing red eyes.

They all work in a club called "The Jazz club, most of the time, no one gets in without knowing the proper password, the club has 2 sections, the above ground where Blaine and James work and the Underground, where Zoey and Charlotte work. Charlotte gets people to dance while James gives them drinks. No one really could figure out how to get into the club, only the bar was public.

 No one really could figure out how to get into the club, only the bar was public

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