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"Welcome everyone, we're having our mystery date night." Blaine said. Several people lined up, having their ID's out as Blaine looked at them. She had to double check info due to how young some looked. A girl in a white and red dress walked up to her and handed Blaine her ID. "Oh, Wiess Schnee? Nice try kid, wait a bit before coming here, this place isn't for the high life." Blaine said, handing the girl her ID. 2 atlas men walked forward with a little red head. "ID." Blaine said, 

"Oh, and sorry no weapons in the club, only staff can be armed." Blaine said. The 2 men showed 3 Ids and walked in. "Hold it, guns in the locker to the left of the door." Blaine said. The 3 walked in and saw the club was packed. Charolette had decided to do her public nudist act. James had his eyes covered by a blindfold and hand in bandages. James broke his hand in the attack. Zoey had some patches that covered up her cuts.

 "Now, lets drop the bass." Zoey said, playing a low rave song as Charlotte danced on her weapon. The 2 Atlas soldiers walked up to the bar and hit a fist on the bar. "Hey watch it, I just had this fixed, oh, atlas, what do you want?" James asked, hiding his fox ears. "2 sharies on the rocks, and charge it to Atlas." one said. "Sorry, pay upfront we don't let tabs build, we have to take collateral for tabs, which means, your legs." James said, putting his revolver on the bar. 

"Nevermind , we'll pay, how much?" the atlas soldier asked. "$8.40 together." James said. They both gave the amount required and James handed them their drinks. The red head had walked up to James and looked at him. "Sorry kid, your a bit young for me to sell anything." James said. "Don't worry, I'm just to have them watch me, I see that this is a faunas club." The girl said. "Yep, Me and Blaine are faunas, they also get a small discount but if your part of the white fang we double costs." James said, cleaning a glass.

A man was waiting outside with red hair, a white mask wearing a black and maroon suit, he had a shotana on him. (For all those rwby fans, you know what I mean.) "Oh, he cause any problems?" James asked. A radio call from Blaine stopped the talk. "James, Get the club empty, Fang are trying to get in the club, and their strong." Blaine said. "Blaine, Blaine!" James yelled. James hit a button turning the lights red. A secret door opened and the music stopped. 

"Everyone out!" James yelled, his fox ears popped out of his hair. Everyone ran outside and Zoey opened the booth door. "I heard, Charolette, can you get dressed and help?" Zoey yelled, holding her minigun and walked out with James who had both his revolvers out. "Zoey, on the roof, make sure we aren't attacked from behind." James said. "Got it." she said, running up a set of stairs. James kicked the door open and shot 4 white fang members, sending them flying.

Blaine had her gun in shot gun form, her clothes were ripped on the arms, legs and the hood showing long hair and her ram hornes. James shot more until the only one left was the white fang with the shotana. James turned his guns into machetes. "I think we can fight in a sword to swords fight." James joked.  He ran at the man, slicing at the waist an neck. The man blocked both but James kicked him. The man drew his katana and sliced at James. 

Zoey got up on the roof and fired several times at a few white fang. She got to the edge and aimed her gun at the man. An air ship flew over, with a rope hanging down. The man grabbed it and vanished. Zoey fired at the ship but only hit it once or twice. "Who were they?" James yelled up to Zoey. "Fang, that's for sure." Zoey yelled down. Blaine had disappeared to get her clothes repaired. I don't like the fact they nearly say me with out my mask.

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