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Issac and the gangs were rebuilding Haven, repairing damaged buildings, and capturing Whitefang members. The Belladonnas showed up with several faunus. Issac locked up several lesser gangs he didn't trust, along with Ruby Rose, Yang Xiao Long, Wiess Schnee, Nora Valkyrie, Lie Ren, Oscar Pine, Charlotte Sea, Blaine Silents, and Zoey Stain. 

Each of them were questioned, trying to piece together stories, while others were confused. Some asked questions, such as Zoey, wanting to know where James was, I gave her a simple answer, "James died, he isn't coming back." I told Oscar, or Ozpin, as he claims, I am skeptical of him, though, the same. 

After the questioning, I had gathered Sienna Khan was dead, by Adam Taurus's hand, who had escaped. I have a very good feeling Salem doesn't like me now. I had made a simple choice for the white fang, I'll let the people decide, they would either be killed, each and every one, or imprisoned, locked up and put through rehabilitation, to join society. 

As the gangs posted notices of the date of the decision, I read the note left by James. It was old, and said "If this is being read, than most likely, I am killed, my knowledge has been passed to another, and if I guess correctly, Salem is returning. For the reader of this note, I give you a secret I hold, anger, greed, disease, and pain are 4 horsemen I have made, they are creations, much like the mythical maidens. My hope is they are safe for they could become tools of Salem, find them, and keep them safe."

A gang member knocked on the door and I put the letter down "Come in." I yelled. The gang member said "Sir, we have reports of Grimm acting unusual to the north, they are, fighting each other, and, this is only a small rumor that circling, they carry weapons of the dead." I told him to  tell Azul to gather the huntsmen of the gangs, and deal with them.


I stood in the woods, looking into the sky, floating islands were over head. "Hey, we need to keep moving, there's no telling when more will show up, we need to get out of here, soon." a girl said. "Agreed, I just can't escape this feeling, it's weird." a voice said. 

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