Vale and Haven

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Charlotte cleared an area near a dust shop, and Atlas soldiers arrested any looters. "This is the tenth store with looters, and most are already empty, this is getting ridiculous, I can't keep fighting all these grim at this rate." She said, holding herself up by her scythe. "Were only going until we reach Beacon, then we stop and make a line before we push into the school." An atlas commander said. "At give me time to sleep, I'm not a machine." she said, rubbing her glowing purple eyes.

"Fine, ok men, block the ways, were going back to base." the commander said. They walked back to the base, near the wreckage of the atlas mech ship. Charolette walked inside her quarters and fell asleep in bed, naked.

She dreamed of the same thing she had every night, the near death of her friends. She was fighting endless waves of grim, trying to take as many out as possible, until, something changed. She saw a woman, pale with white hair, black, red eyes and dressed in black. She had a dragon appear behind her and blew flames. Charlotte did her best fight it, but was clearly out matched. The dragon nearly ate her, until James pushed her out of the way and was eaten. Blain and Zoey shot at the grim but they got surrounded and torn apart. Charlotte cut down 26 grim before the grim broke her staff in half. The dragon ate her and she woke up, covered in sweat.


James stood behind a counter, cleaning glasses and cups. James had worked a deal out with an old friend, who ran a tab up and ran to Haven to escape an angry James. James was working in a bar, and Zoey was playing music in the back round, but, not the club music she's use to, instead, she was playing electro swing music. The place was well placed, near the middle of the levels in haven. He walked to the door and turned the closed sign to open and unlocked the door. He walked back and to his surprise, Isaac was at the stool.

"Let's see here, what to get?" Isaac asked, rubbing his chin. "You get 10 minutes to decide before I throw you out." James said, drinking from his, slightly damaged' flask. After 9 minutes and 59 seconds, he said "the whiskey." He said. "What type will that be?" James asked. "Do you have that frienemy whiskey?" He asked. James pulled a whiskey bottle with a cane and revolver on it's label. He poured some in a small glass and slid it to him. "Here you go." He said.

Isaac sipped it and smiled. "Just as I remember it." He said, smiling.

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